My Life

  • Birth

    This was one of the happiest days of my parent's life, but also one of the scariest. I didn't come out crying and screaming like you're supposed to. I was silent, so silent that you couldn't even hear me breathing. That's probably because I wasn't. I had inhaled too much liquid before I came out, because my mom was in labor for 27 hours. My parent's had already lost one daughter before because of complications (premature). But thankfully one of the nurses noticed and was able to save me.
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    My Life

  • Baby Brother

    Baby Brother
    This is the day I gained a close friend. I didn't know it at the time, but started to realize you can love someone and dislike them at the same time. Hes my pain in my rear end, but I love him all the same. Not so much back then though. I told my parents on numerous occasions that I wanted a fish instead of a brother. But as soon as I met him I knew he was better than any fish. He's 12 now, and not so little. I have to look up at him now. But he'll always be the little squirt I grew up with.
  • Little Fisher

    Little Fisher
    I spent half my life outdoors, literally. But one trip Specifically stands out. Little me went down to the lake to fish, no one had been catching anything that day.Not even the older "expert" men. I cast my line out into some weeds, and not two minutes later I was reeling something big in. My mom came down expecting something little, but instead was met with a big black crappie. After we left, all the men fought for my spot. We found out that crappie weren't even supposed to be there. Lucky me.
  • My First Buggie

    My First Buggie
    This present paved the road to a lot of fun and even more injuries. My big Christmas present was my little blue buggie. I loved that things. I never went camping without it. You could always find me doing donuts and racing down a dirt road. But clumsy me overestimated me abilities, so I crashed. A lot. I've recently upgraded to a quad. But, I still crash when I get a stupid crazy idea in my head
  • Ruby

    By far, one of my favorite Christmas' ever! i got my baby girl Ruby. She's my angel dog. She was so small when we got her but now shes all grown and absolutely gorgeous.
  • High School

    Freshman year was awful. I was awkward and life was awkward. Enough said
  • SFX

    I got into special effect makeup creations
  • Relationship

    I got into my first relationship, and my only
  • Bunny

    I got my bunny towards the end of Junior year. I was told he was a girl, turns out he was a boy
  • Engaged

    July 19th, on our two year anniversary, I got proposed to. He proposed when he came home on leave. I'm currently planning the wedding