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My life!

  • I was born

    On this day I was born at Huron Valley Hospital in Commerce in Commerce Township, MI
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    My life

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  • My parents got married

    The marriage of my parents may have effected me more than I thought. I of course don't know what marriage is at this point but a healthy and loving realtionship is extrememly important to be around. I can see a stress free, loving couple who I hope to be like one day. I know how a man should treat a women which will allow me to have a healthy realtionship one day. This is an important part of my psychosocial skills.
  • Gone Forever?

    At around eight months I uncover my first big discovery. I will not cry so much when my mom leaves me because I know she is not gone forever. She is usually coming back or has just stepped outside the room. Also, if I do not see my toy anymore I know that it has fallen or is simply hidden. My memory is imporving, I now know my sister and brother! This is all part of my cognitive development.
  • My First Step

    At around ten months I took my first step. This is part of my biosocial development. My brain is also in its first stages of development. I am a healthy baby by the age of two. All five senses are perfect and I am getting a healthy amount of sleep every night!
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  • Artist

    My mom has put me into an art class. This is helping me make friends while also allowing me to get in touch with my artistic side. Putting me into a few different classes will allow me to discover my identity and find what I'm good at. I have taken art classes ever since then and even thought about majoring in art history in college. This is all a part of my biosocial development.
  • First day of kindergarden

    I was so excited to go to school. Learning new things is something that I have always showed a passion for. Going to kindergarden and being around a teacher and other students has given me the proper problem solving skills. I am developing some logic and conversation skills as well. All imporant aspects to my cognitive development.
  • Play time!

    Growing up, my sister and I were so close. Growing a bond with someone like that has carried on throughout my lifetime. She has taught me a lot about life and having a strong set of morals. Being active outside, playing dress up or "pretend" allowed me to have a healthy imagination. I even had an imaginary friend named "Emily". These are all important characteristics of a healthy cognitive development.
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  • Moved into a new home

    I used to live in a tiny apartment with my brother, sister, mom, and dad, until we found a four bedroom home in Livonia. It was important for me to have a place called home a my own independent bedroom that I can run to. I have a stable loving family. Some may critisize because I have hardly ever been to church, but that does not mean I don't have morals or know how to love. All this ties in with my psychosocial development.
  • Cheerleader!

    When I was around nine years old my mom got me involved in cheerleading. It was important for me to stay healthy while also being part of a team. I learned teamwork and work ehtic. It also tought me how to show good sportsmanship. I also learned about jealousy, if someone was better than me to be happy and not be angry with them.
  • Smarty pants!

    I wasn't too great at sports but I always did try. There was one thing that I exceled at and that was always school. I love to learn and put my knowledge to the test. I even asked for work books for Christmas and my birthday! My vocabulary has grown almost too big for my brain and I'm learning how to decipher metephors.
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  • Puberty!

    This is hands down the most awkaward time of my life. I am getting pimples, hair in weird places, feelings about boys, and my period! I now know what "mean girls" are and how my body should look, but I am not perfect. Fortunatly, I grew up in a home where my mother told me I was beautiful just the way I was. I carried this on to develop a healthy self esteem adding to my biosocial development.
  • My first boyfriend

    Growing up in a healthy home with parents who love each other and treat each other with respect has taught me what to look for in a man. Although I was young, I fell in love at first sight with the man of my dreams. He loves and respects me for who I am, something I couldn't live without. This is important for setting a good example for out future children as well. I am still in my psychosocial development.
  • Graduation

    I have just graduated high school. I have no clue what I want to do or who I want to be. Thankfully, I have community college close by so that I have a few more years to think about what I want to do for the rest of my life. This goes along closely with my cognitive development: making life decisions.
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  • Active!

    Even though I live a very busy life style, between a full time job and full time school, I make time in my day to be active and try my hardest not to constantly eat garbage. (Although pizza is still my favorite food!) It is important that I maintain this to ensure a healthy life when I am older and not as fit. This is healthy signs of biosocial development.
  • Graduated college

    Later this month I will be graduating from community college. In the Fall I will be going to the University of Michigan-Dearborn. This is a big step for me coming out of my comfort zone, but something that is important. I hope my knowledge grows immensly and that I make new friends and gain new experiences. Still apart of my cognitive development!
  • Moving day!

    I have found my first apartment for my boyfriend and I to live in. This is important in my psychosocial development so that I can learn how to live with another person besides my immediate family. I will learn life skills, billls, maintence, and cooking. We are cohabitating, a controversial idea. This has to do with my psychosocial development.
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  • Got married

    Today I got married to my high school sweet heart. It is the biggest milestone in my life to date and is important in my psychosocial development. I am a newlywed, still trying to learn how to be an independent adult.
  • Bundle of Joy!

    Today, my first baby boy was born. We named him after my father, and my husband's grandfather, Cameron James Salazar. He is healthy and the happiest baby I have ever seen. We now have a home and stable financial situation. I have never been happier! This is an extremely important part of my psychosocial development.
  • Career

    I have taken my life skills and my resume and landed myself a career in social work. I have worked really hard for this job and think that I deserve it. It is important for me to put what I learned in school and throughout life into something bigger and try to make a difference. I'd like to think that this is a sign that I have healthy cognitive skills.
  • Menopause.....

    Unfortunately, at the age of 51, I am going through menopause. This is a natural part of my biosocial development. I am really trying to stay active but my body is not in the shape that it once was. I am gaining more weight and becoming weaker. However, I maintain a positive attitude and enjoy the little things.
  • My first grandbaby was born

    My boy Cameron who is all grown up now and married has just had his first baby, a girl that he named after my mother, Anne Marie Salazar. I am fifty-two, and thanks to my daily walks I still have plenty of energy to babysit a few times a week. I love her more than anything! This is still part of my psychosocial development.
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  • Old age...

    I am still trying to walk everyday but it is getting harder. I have a bad hip and my blood pressure is high. Thankfullly heart disease and cancer is not too common in my family at all. I am still driving and independent. I get sterotyped against because I am a little slow but my brain is still functioning beautifully. I still enjoy reading and try to do puzzles to keep it active. This is all my biosoical skills that have developed.
  • Dementia

    Early that year, my husband was diagnosed with dementia. He doesn't remember much, and can barely remember me. My heart is broken but I carry on and take care of him because I know he would do the same for me. It is difficult to deal with and thankfully my son and granddaughter are around to help. This has to do with cognitive development in the brain.
  • I died

    On May 28, 2083, just five months short of my 90th birthday, I passed away peacfully in my sleep.
    I have faith that I my soul will do good in the universe. I am not sad to go, but sad for those around me who will greive. I was in good care and accept it is my time to go. I hope I had a positive impact on those around me.