My Life

  • Born

    At about 2:46 I came out from my mother's stomach
  • Killed a baby chick

    I chocked a baby chick and killed it
  • Visited Jeju island

    Visited Jeju island
    I rode a big ship to go and my mother told me that i throw up inside the ship.
  • Got a scarce on my chin

    I was playing alone because everyone in my house was busy. I played with a big glass thing and i went inside the glass thing because it was a thing where you can put something inside. then the glass thing fall, blood was all over my body.
  • First time going to the kindergarten

    I was having a wonderful time spending in my house, but kindergarten disturbed me. I still clearly remember how i felt when my mother told me that i had to go to kindergarten.
  • Visited Philippines

    I rode a plane. Came to Philippines with no reason.
  • Went to kindergarten in Philippines

    It was a really awkward day because i didn't even now what english was and i had a hard time following what they were talking about during the class because it was a local school and they were speaking tagalog
  • Got another scarce on the chin

    Someone pushed me off the slide and my chin hited the ground first and i got bloody for the second time. (thanks for who pused me)
  • Came back to Philippines

    To study and think about my future, i went back to Philippines with reason.
  • Went to Manila for a soccer tornament

    i went to Manila for a tournament but we lost. But not in the last place
  • Bought a phone

    I got Iphone but in less than a year, there was a new Iphone came and i regreted.