my life

  • my birthday

    i was born at night and i was born a little late.
  • my cousins birthday

    we are best friends and we do the same sports. she was born in the same hospital as i was
  • got my apendics taken out

    got my apendics taken out
    i was young and my mom realized that something was wrong with me and took me to the doctor and they said to emediately bring me to the hospital. if i had waited a day longer i could have died.
  • moved to new hamshire

    moved to new hamshire
    i was 5 years old when we moved to newe hampshire. it was the first time on a plane.
  • got a sliver in my foot

    got a sliver in my foot
    i slid my foot across our wooden deck and had to go to the hospital and get it taken out after so many tries from my mom to get it out.
  • started hockey

    started hockey
    my sister got me into doing hockey when i saw her playing it. i have played defense for most of my life and i still do hockey
  • went to florida

    went to florida
    we went to disney world with my cousins.
  • tried lacrosse

    tried lacrosse
    my dad made me try lacrosse. i didnt like it afterwards
  • went to mexico

    went to mexico
    we got a surprise from my cousins and we stayed at barcella. it was near an ocean so we went into the water every day and we went to a masque( im not sure about this)
  • started junior high

    started junior high
    i was so nervous going into a new school. on the first day i didn't go on the bus
  • started soccer

    started soccer
    i loved playing small games of soccer so i decided to try it in junior high and i loved it
  • went to a nascar race

    went to a nascar race
    it was the first time i went to a nascar race. it was a lot of fun
  • started track

    started track
    my friends made me do track. i loved it so much that i still do it.
  • started high school

    started high school
    i was so nervous to go into a bigger school than the junior high. i lost my way to all my classes
  • went to florida

    went to florida
    we rented a house near the beach. we got a lot of shells and we went to a couple fishing trips.