My Life

By mcc0043
  • Birth

    I was bron onthe 13th of the 1st 1999
  • Said my first word

    Said my first word
    because it was the word i ever said
  • First Bike

    First Bike
    learning how to ride a bike is very important even though i had alot of falls at my age
  • Started Schoool

    Started Schoool
    hailey is a school way over in beaconsfield its a pretty big school 3 playgrounds and 4 ovals
  • 1st time dancing

    1st time dancing
    i was a little confused when i firszt started to dance but then familurised myself with the concept of instead of just using my body to move but also to show emotion and how you feel
  • Cat Died

    Cat Died
    it was a very sad momentbecause id known my cat for atleast my entire life and he was my best friend and he would always sleep next to me at night and cheer me up when i needed it
  • Accepted into RIA

    Accepted into RIA
    Moving schools is a big deal but id never audition for a school before so when i auditioned for the first time i was really happy when i got the letter saying we'd be glad to have you at rowville secondary college
  • 1st Christmas DAY

    1st Christmas DAY
    my very 1st christmas day i can t remember what i got all i remember was having alot of fun opening all the presents i could
  • Got the part 'the wiz' in the wiz

    Got the part 'the wiz' in the wiz
    this was the 1st play ive ever got the lead role or ever got a rolle in a major play