Me solo

Ms. Butler's odyssey

  • My birth

    Today I entered the world. I share my birthday with Billie Holiday and several professional athletes, such as Kevin Smith and Jeremy Lincoln.
  • Period: to

    Ms. Butler's Odyssey

  • Courtney was born

    Courtney was born
    My sister, Courtney, entered the world. I was no longer the youngest child. For years, we fought and did not get along at all, but now she is one of my best friends. She knows me better than anyone else, and I do not know what I'd do without her.
  • Caleb's birth

    Caleb's birth
    My only brother was born today! He added a new dynamic to our family. He is smart, athletic, fun, and so much more, and I am honored to call him my brother. I learn so much from him and love him very much!
  • Connor's birth

    Connor's birth
    Our youngest sibling was born, and I distinctly remember this day! I was sitting in my second grade class, and I was called to the office to receive a phone call saying my little sister was born. She is my mini-me, yet she is very much her own person. She is quirky and so fun, and it is so great seeing her grow into herself.
  • High School Graduation

    High School Graduation
    I graduated from high school as one of three valedictorians. The three of us decided to give a speech together. We read the poem "Everything I need to know I learned in kindergarten," while adding some personal stories.
  • First Half Marathon

    First Half Marathon
    Two weeks before the Evansville Half Marathon, I decided to train for it. Most people thought I was absolutely crazy, but I found someone to train with, and we ran most of the race together. He left me toward the end, but I still managed to finish in under two hours! It was so amazing!
  • Ireland Adventures Began

    Ireland Adventures Began
    My sister and I traveled around Ireland for three months. We stayed with seven different hosts, and met many lovely people and friends along the way. We had only our backpacks and each other, and it was the best season of my life odyssey thus far.
  • American Samoa

    American Samoa
    Mid-July of this summer, I depart for American Samoa. I will be teaching there for one year through a program known as WorldTeach. I am really excited to meet my fellow volunteers and to meet my students, their families, and the other community members. It is going to be such an adventure, but I am ready.
  • Houston, we do NOT havea problem

    Houston, we do NOT havea problem