Middle School

  • First day of 7th grade .

    First day of 7th grade .
    It was really scary because I was a lot shyer than I am now .
  • Stairs

    Close to like a week after school started the stairs killed me .
  • First time I got in trouble .

    I was like a really quiet, bad kid . Like my dad didn't care what I did and my mom passed away so he was always depressed and I pretty much did whatever . So I always cussed and I got in trouble and it was really scary .
  • Missing a lot of school

    Missing a lot of school
    I got truancy because I never went to school
  • Making friends .

    It was hard making friends because I was super shy & I hate having conversations and I still do but I made a friend, who's still my best friend today and his names Oaklyn .
  • Grades

    I failed mostly all my classes, school was really hard for me but then again I never even tried . The principal talked to me about them and it was really scary because I hated getting lectured .
  • school hate

    By this time I hated school, I wanted to be anywhere but there .
  • Birthday

    I turned 13 .
  • Drama

    There was always a lot of drama and I always got dragged into it and that was probably the worst thing of 7th grade .
  • Getting taken away .

    I got taken away from my dad because of reasons . I was literally waiting for that to happen for a long time because I hated him .
  • Last day @ hms7

    I didn't tell anyone that it was my last day and I just kind of left .
  • First day @ buhler

    First day @ buhler
    It was really scary because I was shy, like ive said before .
  • First day of hms8

    First day of hms8
    Everyone was really excited to see me because all of my friends thought I was going to Buhler again .
  • grades

    My new parents expect a lot out of me and i'm a much better kid than last year . I have nothing lower than a B :)
  • Today

    I have a lot of friends, that i probably don't need . Just kidding but I really like school because it's pretty lit .