83975602 archeological tools archeologist working on site close up hand and tool

Mexican Independence Day

By edp456
  • 1510

    Spanish get rule over mexico

    Spanish get rule over mexico
  • Father Hidalgo Speech

    Father Hidalgo Speech
    Father Hidalgo gave a speech and rang the bells at the city of Delores
  • Battle of Guanajuato

    Battle of Guanajuato
    This is when the Mexican Army won their first batle.
  • Hidalgo Killed

    Hidalgo Killed
    Hidalgo was captured and killed by the Spanish army.
  • Independence Day

    Independence Day
    They have celebrations and big parties all around Mexico.
    (Other Research)
  • Delores

    At the city Delores they have big parties an dring the bells that hidalgo gave. They also have a big fireworks ceremony.(VIDEO)