

By EdwinLL
  • My Birth

    My Birth
    I was born on a cloudy night, in October ninth of nineteen ninety nine. I really don't know much about this night, but I believe it was a great night. Because this was the beginning to my story.
  • Moved to Mexico

    Moved to Mexico
    In 2008, after the economy crisis. My parents felt like moving to Mexico, they somehow were tired of life in the United States; so they wanted to see how life in Mexico was. So away we went...
  • Vacations

    In this year we decided to make a family trip, we were going on vacations...So we traveled through almost all Mexico, checking beautiful places, places we never imagined, full of exotic and interesting things.
  • Jr. High

    Jr. High
    2012 was a really interesting year, it was my first year of Jr. High, I made several friends and got to experience a different work place.
    I learned lots of stuff during this year, changes were coming...
  • Graduation

    My graduation from Jr. High was something special, somehow I wasn't ready to move on. but I had to. That year was one of the most important's...specially because I realized everything would change.
  • CETis 128

    CETis 128
    My admission to CETis 128 in 2015 was something important to me. CETis 128 is a high demanded school. Not many students get admitted. I was one of the limited amount of students that managed to enter...I could do anything!!
  • Departure

    In 2016 I moved back to Mesa, after living 8 years in Mexico, it felt really weird to be back. It was a tough transition, I left everything behind, family, friends, achievements, places...everything.
  • West Wood

    West Wood
    My first year in West Wood was somewhat cool, I had never been in a high school in the US. I was surprised and kinda scared to see how big the school was. I loved the facilities, and classes they much diversity.
  • Summer Vacations

    Summer Vacations
    On summer vacation, I wanted to go out and have some fun, visit places and people. So I saved up some money and went on a 3 week trip by myself to Mexico. I did so many vacations ever.
  • 2017 Achievements

    2017 Achievements
    Overall, 2017 was a great year. I did so many things I hadn't done before...I'm grateful for everything, even for all the bad stuff that happened, because all these good and bad experiences shaped me into what I am today.