
Life Story

By qcalla
  • Born

    I was born 20 days later than the doctor predicted. I had a full set of black hair and blue eyes. People said my hair would fall out and my eyes would turn brown, but my hair turned blonde and my eyes turned to hazel.
  • Trip to Canada for Cousin’s Wedding

    Trip to Canada for Cousin’s Wedding
    My cousin married a girl from Montreal and my parents and I went to Canada for the wedding. Because it was an expensive trip, we first visited a cousin, who is a university professor in Toronto. Then we took a train from Toronto to Montreal for the wedding. After the wedding, we drove to Quebec City to see the capital of Quebec.
  • Birth Mother Passed Away - Drug Overdose

    Birth Mother Passed Away - Drug Overdose
    Already being pretty young made everything worse. Not being able to physically or mentally understand the effects of her OD didn’t cause me to bring out the emotions that are more likely to appear after a death. My half-sisters dad came to the funeral but he separated himself from everyone else, I remember looking for him and from what I saw, nobody familiar looked like him.
  • Moved to Tucson with Mom

    Moved to Tucson with Mom
    My mom and I moved to Tucson about six months before my father was set to retire so that I could complete my school year in Tucson and make some friends. My mom and I stayed in the house all alone and my father came every other weekend. The kitchen in our new house was not finished, but we had a refrigerator, sink, microwave and hotplate in the garage.
  • Became an Aunt When My Nephew, Tucker, Was Born

    Became an Aunt When My Nephew, Tucker, Was Born
    Tucker was born with a cone-shaped head, but he was as cute as can be. He was like a baby brother to me. I got to feed him and watch him during the day.
  • Started 6th Grade in Orange Grove Middle School

    Started 6th Grade in Orange Grove Middle School
    It was a little frightening because the 8th graders seems so old and big. I met a new girl from California on my first day and I was her first friend in Tucson. This was when I first started playing the clarinet in the school band.
  • 8th Grade (Middle School) Graduation - Trip to Italy & France

    8th Grade (Middle School) Graduation - Trip to Italy & France
    After graduation, my mom, dad and I went on our first, and I hope not last, trip to Europe. We were in Italy for 18 days and then went to Paris for 3-4 days. Italy was great, but there’s nothing like Paris. I can’t wait to get back there again.
  • Started Catalina Foothills High School & Joined Marching Band

    Started Catalina Foothills High School & Joined Marching Band
    Starting high school was exciting, especially being in the marching band and participating in a week-long band camp, during the summer before school started. Band was great, but very time-consuming and my studies suffered. I also lost a lot of my former girlfriends when they started high school.
  • Started Primavera in Mid-Sophomore Year of High School

    Started Primavera in Mid-Sophomore Year of High School
    My sophomore year at Catalina Foothills was the worst year of my life. I was bullied in summer school and the bullying continued throughout the fall semester. I finally dropped out of school right before Thanksgiving and was allowed to complete my courses at home. Then I enrolled in Primavera for the spring semester. Thank goodness.
  • Passed Red Cross Lifeguard Training & Started Summer Job at Jewish Community Center

    Passed Red Cross Lifeguard Training & Started Summer Job at Jewish Community Center
    I used to be on swim team, but hadn’t competed in a while, so I had to get back in shape to pass the lifeguard test. I weigh less than 100 pounds and it was really difficult passing some of the rescue parts of the test. I did a little weight training and my father helped me with my technique. I was so proud to pass the test and loved working as a lifeguard for about half of the summer.
  • Currently Taking Last 2 Classes to Complete 11th Grade at Primavera

    Currently Taking Last 2 Classes to Complete 11th Grade at Primavera
    I am completing the last two courses for my junior year. Primavera is much more work than regular high school, especially with my father hovering over me every minute of the day. I think I learned much more than I ever learned in regular high school.