Latin American Revolutions

  • Start of the Haitian Revolution

    The revolution started because the slaves got inspird by the u.s revolution. the social class that start the revolution was the slaves. the leader where l'ouverture
  • the end of the haiti revolution

    the haiti where fighting france. the war was successful because the got the freedom
  • the start mexican revolutions

    The revolution started because of the encomienda system. The natives started the war. The leaders were Manuel Hidalgo, and Jose Morelos
  • the start of the south american revolution

    the revolution stared because bolivar started a army. the people that started the war was the creole. the leader was bolivar.
  • the end of the mexican revolution

    the natives where fighting the spaniards. the war was successful because the mexican won.
  • the end of the south american revolution

    the creole went to fight the portiges. the war ended when the creole took over all the land and the revolution was successful.