Jazmin"s life

  • My birth day

    My birth day
    I was born on a hot sunny day at 4pm. My parents say that was one of the happiest days of their life because they welcomed their 3rd kid. I was born with some health issues but as i grew older i've gotten better.
  • My little sister was born

    My little sister was born
    Unlike me my little sister was born on a very chilly day at 4am. Even though i cant remember meeting her for the first time, i'm very happy she was born because she has become my best friend. Me and my sister are very close with each other and share almost everything with one another.
  • My parents divorce

    My parents divorce was probably one of the hardest things i have ever had to go through, even after 14 years i still get affected by it. I was very young when they got divorced but i still remember a lot of the events that happened. I am thankful this happened because it has made me mature a lot and has helped me see things a lot better.
  • Starting Elementary

    i have hated school since the first day. i wanted to drop when i was 16 but my mom didn't let me :(
  • My mom leaving

    Was one of the hardest things i went through at that time because i was very attached to my mom and i didn't want her to leave
  • Moving around

    My family was always very unstable so we moved around quite a bit. My dads job has made him move alot. I have been to 8 different schools since kindergarden
  • Brother being diagnosed

    My 8 year old brother was diagnosed with neuroblastoma. which is cancer in the cells, he was on chemotherapy for 1 year and he started to get better around the time he turned 9. Made me sad because i could see how much pain he was in and i wanted to take that pain away and make him feel better
  • Mom Passing away

    My moms death has changed my way of being.It was hard moving from that impactful event but i never stopped trying to accomplish my goals
  • My dad moving out

    wasn't to hard to cope with because ive been so used to people leaving. But helped be more responsible and be more independent
  • Graduation

    cant wait to get out of this place((((:::