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Jasmine's Social Development Timeline

By s25397
  • Exited the Womb

    This is kind of important mainly because it's my birth and I mean, I guess I wouldn't be doing this assignment if I weren't born.
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    Trust vs. Mistrust: If infant's needs are dependably met, they will develop sense of trust
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    Autonomy (independence) vs. shame and doubt: yoddlrs learn to exercise will and do things themselves, or they doubt their abilities.
  • Earlist Memory

    The earlist memory I have is of me throwing my uncles slippers in the toilet. This has shaped me because I think about it a lot and just assume I was born to be a punk.
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    Initiative vs. guilt: Preschoolers learn to initiate tasks and carry out plans, or they feel guilt about efforts to be independent
  • Meet Jennifer Allison

    She is my best friend, that I've known forever. Shes shaped my life and developed my personality.
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    Elementary School

    Competence vs. Inferiotity Children learn the pleasure of applying themselves to tasks or they feel inferior
  • I hissed at Zoe on the bus

    I did it to install a fear of the human race in her. I like to think I succeeded. Thus started my reign of terror.
  • Started Playing Piano

    Started Playing Piano
    As much as I disliked it at the time, it started my love for music and such
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    Identity vs. role Confusion: Teens work on refining their sense of self and if they don't find one single identity, they may feel confused
  • Discover Brand New

    Discover Brand New
    Stumbled across the band Brand New on Youtube, kind of fell in love and see them as godly figures and use their albums as my bible. This is important.
  • First Concert

    This has shaped me because I really developed a love for live music and the effort that goes into making music.
  • Got acrylic paint on a very important ring of mine

    Like the title says, I got acrylic paint on a important and meaningful ring of mine only to realize acyrlic paint likes to seep into the cracks of everything dear to you and bond on a spiritual level to the point where you might as well give up on it ever being paint free again. This is when I realized I am actually not some kind of paint whisperer and the chemical properties of paint still apply to me. There were tears shed.
  • First Car

    I will finially be able to drive myself to Walmart at the dark hours of the morning to spend my last dollars on 5 tubs of ice cream
  • Hopefully get Hired by Hobby Lobby

    Hopefully get Hired by Hobby Lobby
    It'd be my first job, also they pay pretty good for any "first job" kind of ocupation so I'm looking forward to the material wealth. (What I mean is being able to go Walmart at 3 AM to buy 4 boxes of donuts, 12 in each box, 2 boxes normal glazed, 1 box chocolate, 1 box blueberry. See, I've got this all planned out.)
  • Move Out

    I plan to move out at 18 to stop burdening my parents with my presence. It'll be basically actually being out on my own for the first time instead of asking mom to buy me hot cheetos on her way back from work. Also there will be no poking at mom to make my doctor appointments either. I think that'd be the only downsides.
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    Young Adulthood

    Intimacy vs. Isolation: Young adults struggle to form close relationships and to gain the capacity for intimate love or they feel socially isolated.
  • Adopt a Black Child

    Adopt a Black Child
    If I decide I want to burden myself with children, I'll probably adopt an African American and raise him to be the coolest kid around
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    Middle Adulthood

    Generativity vs. Stagnation: In middle age, people discover a sense of contributing to the world or they may feel a lack of purpose
  • Probably get arrested

    Probably get arrested
    I figure I'm bound to get arrested at some point of my life, so I mean, let's be realistic now.
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    Late adulthood

    Integrity vs. Despair: When reflecting on their life, the older adult may feel a sense of satisfaction or failure