Hidalgo painting

Honor and Glory: In Search for Independence

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  • How it all began 1810

    How it all began 1810
    Stage 1: Initiation
    Miguel Hidalgo begins to aquire the appropriate contacts in order to begin the movement. He met Ignacio Allende who he would later introduce Hidalgo to such contacts as Aldama, Miguel Dominguez and Josefa Ortiz de Domínguez. After introducing Hidalgo to them, they start to know each other better and begin to form literary clubs. After he gained confidence, he started the conspiracy.
  • Conspiracy Detected

    Conspiracy Detected
    This was the night that the conspiracy was discovered. The Spaniards raided the home of Epigmenio González in Queretaro and discovered the weapons and the conspiracy. When the Spaniards went for Josefa, she taped the floor 3 time in order to warn Ingacio Pérez that the conspiract had been detected. This advice was planned in order to send Ignacio Pérez to San Miguel and to Dolores in search of the leaders Hidalgo and Allende so they could delay the movement.
  • Grito de Dolores

    “Viva La Religón, Viva nuestra Madre Santísima de Guadalupe. Viva Fernando VII. Viva América y muera el mal gobierno"-
    Occurred in Dolores Hidalgo
  • Grito de Dolores

    Grito de Dolores
    This event, known as the Grito de Dolores was Hidalgos immediate response after the conspiracy was discovered. At 2 o clock in the morning, Juan de Aldama reached Hidalgos house to inform him about the conspirancy and that the Spaniards were after them. After this, Hidalgo rang the church bells in order to summon the insurgents earlier in the mornin. He assembeled with them and and told them...
  • Battle at Alhóndiga de Granaditas

    Battle at Alhóndiga de Granaditas
    Shortly before noon, Hidalgo began to march to Guanajuato in order to take the city. Hidalgo talked to Juan Antonio Riaño in order to peacefully surrender the city. When Riaño told Hidalgo that he knew what he had been doing, he declined the proposal and ordered his men to take refugee in the "Alhondiga de Granaditas." Hidalgo ordered his men to attack the Alhondiga de Granatias and ordered the "Pipila" to burn the wooden door so the Insrugents could raid the Alhondiga.
  • Battle at Monte de las Cruces

    Battle at Monte de las Cruces
    This day, the troops off Hidalgo proved that numbers could overcome a well equiped professional army. Hidalgo camped in the hills overlooking the capital with Allende and the Insurgents in order to defeat the Spanish army. 80,000 Insurgents without military experience defeated the Spaniards, with the cavalry dirrected by Juan Aldama.
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  • Battle of Calderón Bridge

    Battle of Calderón Bridge
    The battle took place in what is know Guadalajara, Zapotlanejo ,Jalisco. The battle tested almost 100,000 Mexican revolutionarists skills who were lead by Hidalgo, Allende, Aldama and Abasolo to battle the Spaniards. Hidalgo had won his previous battles and had on the Battle at Monte de las Cruces, but this was the first time he would ever taste defeat and be captured for further punishment.
  • Hidalgos death: continuation

    In order to give them to the soldiers. After the request was completed, he was shot dead.
  • Miguel Hidalgos Murder

    Miguel Hidalgos Murder
    On this day, Miguel Hidalgo was held captive after being ambushed at the Norias de Bajan when he decided not to go for Mexico City. This huge mistake, was responsible for capturing the Insurgent leaders and sending them to kill, except Hidalgo who was a priest. Due to his religious power, Hidaglo was excommunicated and shot in the stomach several times until death. Before dying, Hidalgo told the soldiers to go in his dungeon for the candy he had hidden in order for him ..
  • Congress of Chilpancingo

    Congress of Chilpancingo
    The congress marked Mexicos formal decelartion to be independent from Spain. It was the first national constitution ratified by José María Morelos.
  • Constitution of Apatzingán

    Constitution of Apatzingán
    Jose Maria Morelos signed this constitution in order to declare Mexican Independence. It was promulgated to this day by the Congress of Anahuac.
  • Battle of Temalaca

    Battle of Temalaca
    Jose Maria Mroles; Hidalgos right hand was about to taste defeat against the Spanish crown. This war, caused the the Insurgent army of Morelos to loose against the Spaniards, capturing Morelos and senting him to his grave.
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  • Plan de Iguala

    Plan de Iguala
    This day, Agustín de Iturbide and Vicente Guerrero introduce the Plan de Iguala with the army of the three guarantess. This famous plan, consisted on three guarantees that included equality among the Creoles and Peninsulars, giving the Catholic Church monopoly power and naming Mexico as a constitutional monarchy. Before coming up with this plan, Iturbide and Guerrero gave each other "el abrazo de acatempan" to assure trust.
  • Treaty of Cordoba

    Treaty of Cordoba
    The Treaty of Cordoba takes place between the Spaniards and Agustin Iturbide recognizing the independence of Mexico under the conditions of Plan de Iguala.
  • Mexican Independence

    Mexican Independence
    On this day, the army of the three guarantees enter Mexico City proclaiming the independence of the "Mexican Empire"