Identity Map

  • A time I grew from new experiences and challenges

    I matured and grew from an experience when I first started volunteering. I voluteer and help every year during the spring with kids that have disabilities. I go up to Attitash mountain and voluteer for a Family Support Conference. Working with these kids and letting them change me as a person is just amazing. I thought I would be the one helping them but in reality they helped me.
  • A time I confronted failure

    I confronted failure when I didnt get the first couple jobs I wanted. The job I have now wasnt my first choice but I had to learn that it wasnt my only choice and to move on. I really just wanted to give up and not get a job at all but, I confronted the fact that I had failed and I moved on.
  • A time i understood the complexities of the world

    I gained new understandings of the complexties of the world when my brother left for bootcamp. I realized the world isnt black and white and that I couldnt have him home and let him go do what he needed to with his life at the same time. My brother is my bestfriend and its been hard getting used to the fact that hes not going to be home a lot anymore and thats just how it works. Knowing what he does for my family and my country does make it easier when I think about missing him.
  • A time my desires were in conflict

    My needs and desires were in conlict with the needs and desires of others when I decided to get a job. When ever im working the costumers needs and desires always come first. What ever they want or need comes before what I want and need as soon as I have my uniform and am on the clock. Im the one who wanted the job so i could get paid and because of that i have to let my needs come after others.
  • A time I confronted the aspects of the adult world

    I confronted the adult world when I started buying groceries for around the house. If my mom forgot to get something or I specifically want something I buy it. If she normally doesnt get it and I want it then I also pay for it. Being able to help out around the house and buy things like groceries every week makes me realize how big the responsibility is. You dont realize how expensive things can be.