History Timeline 1713- 1850

  • 1713 Treaty of Utrecht

    1713 Treaty of Utrecht
    The Treaty of Utrecht ended the War of the Spanish Succession, which was a war between European countries. However, the treaty also affected North America. European powers redrew the map of North America and divided land between France and Britain.
  • Expulsion of the Acadians

    Expulsion of the Acadians
    This event included the Acadians and the British, the Acadians were forced to leave their homes by the British. They were put on boats and sent to America. This resulted in sickness, drowning and never being able to see their families again.British governor Charles Lawrence and the Nova Scotia Council ordered them to be expelled. In the image it shows how the British burned down the Acadians homes and how much they tortured the Acadians.
  • Seven Years War

    Seven Years War
    The Seven Years War or The French and Indian War was the North American conflict in a larger imperial war between Great Britain and France known as the Seven Years' War. The British gained all the land, therefore we speak English.In the early 1750s, French expansion into the Ohio River valley repeatedly brought France into armed conflict with the British colonies.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris ended the Seven Years War between France, Britain and Spain. The Treaty of Paris was signed on 10 February 1763 by France, Britain and Spain. The treaty of Paris created a base for modern Canada.In the Treaty of Paris, France lost all claims to Canada and gave Louisiana to Spain, while Britain received Spanish Florida, Upper Canada, and various French holdings overseas.
  • The Quebec Act

    The Quebec Act
    The British Parliament passed the Quebec act,establishing other things French civil law and religious freedom for Roman Catholics. The main purpose of The Quebec Act was to meet the needs of the government of the Province of Quebec.The outcome of the Quebec Act was to extend the boundaries of Quebec and guaranteed religious freedom to Catholic Canadians.
  • American revolution

    American revolution
    In 1775 at the start of the American Revolution, rebel forces invaded Canada, occupying Montréal and attacking the town of Québec.disputes over taxes and other matters of colonial administration in the 13 American colonies had created a simmering dissatisfaction with British imperial rule.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    The main reason the Declarations of Independence was signed was because Americans wanted to explain to foreign nations why the 13 colonies had choose to separate from Great Britain and show that they are no longer a part of Britain
  • Battle of the plains of Abraham

    Battle of the plains of Abraham
    Both commanding officers died from wounds sustained during the battle. The French never recaptured Québec and effectively lost control of New France in 1760.
  • The Constitution Act

    The Constitution Act
    The Constitution Act created Upper and Lower Canada, Each had its own laws and system. They divided into two provinces. In 1791, the British Parliament passed the Constitutional Act creating Upper Canada Ontario and Lower Canada Québec. The reason for the division of Upper and Lower Canada was to avoid future wars, since the French were unhappy sharing lan with the British Loyalists.
  • Laura Secord’s Warning, during the war of 1812.

    Laura Secord’s Warning, during the war of 1812.
    During the war of 1812, US troops took over Laura Secord's house. She overheard the conversation about their plan to attack the British. She travels 20 miles out of American territory just to warn the British. In the War Of 1812 the people fighting were the British and Americans, it was the war which Canada became an independent country.
  • Rebellion of Lower Canada

    Rebellion of Lower Canada
    French Canadian militants in Lower Canada took up arms against the British Crown in a pair of insurrections in 1837 and 1838. It killed more than 300 people. Loyalists migrated to Canada which upset the French.
  • Rebellion of Upper Canada

    Rebellion of Upper Canada
    The 1837 rebellion in Upper Canada was a less violent, more limited affair than the insurrection that same year in neighbouring Lower Canada,The rebellion itself failed, yet its very failure helped moderate political change in British North America, including the union of Upper and Lower Canada, and the eventual arrival of responsible government.
  • (British North America Act #1) Union Act

    (British North America Act #1) Union Act
    The Union Act united Upper Canada & Lower Canada into the provinces of Canada that we have today. It united the colonies of Upper Canada and Lower Canada under one government, creating the Province of Canada.The act was unfair to lower Canada with its larger population and smaller debt.
  • British North America Act #2

    British North America Act #2
    The British North America Act #2 united all provinces and created the Canada we have today. It was the law passed by the British Parliament creating the Dominion of Canada at Confederation.