History 414 2.0

  • Period: to

    Module 5-7

  • Responcible Government- different parties

    Responcible Government- different parties
    Liberal-Conservatives led by John A. Macdonald(West) and Georges-Etienne Cartier(East)
    Canada East:Parti Rouge led by Dorion (Focused on French, wanted to end tithe and make the gov’t in charge of schools)
    Canada West:
    Clear Grits led by Brown(Wanted to expand the prov. Wanted the governor and legis. council to be elected, also wanted proportional representation…number on reps relative to pop.)
  • Uniting Canada-Governments

    Uniting Canada-Governments
    Forms of Government:
    Unitary State: One gov controls whole country ( France)
    Federal State: Central gov’t deals with matters effecting whole country, states/prov. deal with local matters (USA)
  • Uniting Canada- Reasons

    Uniting Canada- Reasons
    • Maritime provinces wanted to unite
    • Scared of Manifest Destiny: Americans thought they can take over the land (even canada)
    • Reciprocity Treaty was coming to an end, and Americans would not renew it
    • Timber Trade was dropping, demand for iron
  • 1st Conference- Charlettown Conference

    1st Conference- Charlettown Conference
    Leaders of Canada East/West meet with the leaders of three Maritime Provinces (NB,NS,PEI), they left the meetings agreeing to consider a merger.
  • 2nd Conference- Quebec City

    2nd Conference- Quebec City
    Same members of last time (+ Nfld.) They agreed on 72 resolutions that would make the merger possible…
    A federal system
    24 seats to each colony (total 72 seats)(C.E have 24, C.W have 24, Maritimes have 24 seats)
    Assembly elected by “rep by pop”
    Build a railway between colonies The conferences went well but the people weren’t so accepting of what their politicians were moving towards.
    -Nfld, and PEI withdrew-don’t want to pay for railway since there on an island and useless
    -Dorion’s Parti Ro
  • 3rd Conference - London

    3rd Conference - London
    Leaders of the 4 colonies meet to make arrangement to release from the British Empire to become a new “self-governing” colony. THE DOMINION OF CANADA! With its capital of Ottawa was created under the British North America Act. Passed on March 29, came into existence in Canada on July 1st 1867.Containing 4 Prov. (ONT, QC, NB, NS)
    -The other Prov’s would join between 1870 and 1949.
  • Federal + Provincial Responcibility

    Federal + Provincial Responcibility
    SECTION 91 (Federal) :defense, banking and money, postal service,hospitals

    SECTION 92 (Provincial): education (section 93),municipal institutions, criminal law
  • Changes tot the Constitution since 1867

    Changes tot the Constitution since 1867
    1931-Statute of Westminster: Gave Fed. Gov’t powers over Foreign Affairs 1980-Pierre Elliott Trudeau wants to give Canada the power amend the constitution without English permission. 1982-Constitution Act did just that and was passed in April 1982, plus a Charter of Rights and Freedoms to protect indiv. liberties.
    It was passed with the approval of most provinces.
  • Imperialism and Nationalism

    Imperialism and Nationalism
    Imperialism – loyalties to Britain (mother country)
    Nationalism – loyalties to Canada
  • How the Governemtn Functions

    How the Governemtn Functions
    Queen and General have symbolic power only
    They have a democracy
    Three levels of government: Municipal, Provincial, Federal, and each have 3 tyoes of function
    1. executive: administration, held cabinet
    2. legislative: makes laws, imposes taxes, power held by federal government
    3. Juducial: ensure laws are applied Judges are appointed by the cabinet for life. (federal)
  • National Policy

    National Policy
    The federal government needed to unify these different provinces.
    John A. Macdonald (Conservative Party) formed a plan to promote national unity (formulated in 1878).
    Three Main Points:
    -Increase Custom Duties: Protect/Promote Canadian Industries by ensuring Canadians bought Canadian goods.
    -Build Railways: The Canadian Pacific Railway was to run coast to coast, unify people, increase trade.
    -Encourage Immigration: Especially in Western Canada, bigger population = bigger market.
  • First Phase of Industrialization

    First Phase of Industrialization
    Skilled craftsmen using costly/time consuming methods Factories, first assembly lines, more efficient, boring work.
  • Imperialism and Nationalism

    Imperialism – loyalties to Britain (mother country)
    Nationalism – loyalties to Canada
  • Population Changes

    Population Changes
    National Policy favored immigration
    -Que. Birth rate remains very high, however people kept leaving Que. (Farms still over crowded)
    -People were moving to urban centers, new unskilled labor demands
    -Better jobs in the USA, Ont, Western Cdn. so people are leaving
    -Church encouraged people to populate new areas these people had a tough time, cold temp., no support.
  • World War One (1914-1918)

    World War One (1914-1918)
    • Conscription: forced french to join world war 1 with english
    • Women: placed mens vote and worked men job, first approch to womens rights
    • Canada gets involved in the peace talks 1919 at Versailles, also recognized independently when the League of Nations are formed.
    • Statute of Westminster (1931) (grants Canada more freedoms)
  • The Great Depression- What Happened

    The Great Depression- What Happened
    People were buying shares in companies on borrowed money, when debts were called in the stocks plummeted!
    “Black Thursday”-Stocks dropped below zero, people were ruined, many committed suicide.
    -The boom that had occurred as a result of the first world war came to an abrupt end, the 1930’s are characterized as the

    -Most sectors of the economy were hit hard (Wheat Farmers esp., made worse by drought/plague of insects)
    -Massive lay offs
    -Families bought as little as possible
  • Government Solution- Great Depression

    Government Solution- Great Depression
    -Direct Aid
    - Public Works
    - Work Camps
  • Government Solution- The Great Depression

    Government Solution- The Great Depression
    • Direct Aid -Public Works
    • Encouraged farming
    • Work Camps
  • Capitalism

    the belief that the market should rely only on free competition, demand/supply should set the prices of good/services. These goods/services should be privately owned and the government should not interfere. (USA,CANADA)
  • Quiet Revolution

    Quiet Revolution
    social, economic and political reform
    Main Features:
    -Companies became government-owned (hydro canada) (econominc)
    - Caught up with countries educational system (parent commities,MEQ was created, free public schools until 16)
    - Weaken influence of the Church to end Quebec isolation
  • Bills

    Bill 63- Official Language Act
    BIll 101- Onlly french signs were allowed in public spaces, and only children with English speaking parents educated in Quebec could go to an english school
    Bill 178 and 86- english trying to fiight back
  • Changes in Quebec

    Changes in Quebec
    from rural jobs to modernized jobs
  • Office de la Langue Francaise

    Office de la Langue Francaise
    created to promote the French language
  • Renee Levesque

    Renee Levesque
    quits the liberal party and forms the PQ (Parti Quebecois)
  • October Crisis

    October Crisis
    started when the FLQ kidnapped James Cross andd Pierre Laporte
    Prime MInister Trudeau used the War Measure Act
  • Referrendum

    Fedirlists want Quebec to stay
    Seperatist wanrt Quebec to be independent
    They had different cultural beliefs andoppressive struggle
    Levesque held a refferndum, and 60% said no
  • Constitution Act and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms

    Constitution Act and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms
    created this to ensure full independence from Great Britain
    Quebec still has not signed
  • Meech Lake Accord

    Meech Lake Accord
  • Charlettetown Agreement

    Charlettetown Agreement
    tried to include recognition to aborigional and quebec rights