heather bolt

  • Period: to

    my life

    when i was born i was supposed to be names Renee but my mom and dad argued about it and my name became heather.
  • crazy child

    i was the child to run away.i was get a chair and push it to the door and unlock it and walk out. i went across the highway. i was 5. my mom says that the dog that we had help me get across the highway. i did this a couple of times one time i was in the back of a cop car because the lady call the cops because i was on her swing set and didn't know why i was there.
  • 6th grade band

    In the 6th grade i wanted to be in band so what you do to figure out what instrument you can play is play the mouth piece blow into it. you gotta get the right mouth closed or open, its a lot. ll i wanted to be a clarinet but mr. Seel said that i would be a better flute play because i don't remember but the only reason i wanted to the clarinet is because of squid ward off of sponge bob.
  • My brothers birthday

    my mom and i went to to fayetteville to go to my brother and dad because they had to work. so we went out to eat and went shopping but when we got to the hotel and my brother and i finally for once bonded and we talked for hours.
  • my gall bladder surgery

    my whole life my stomach has always hurt and the doctor didn't understand why. so this month i went to the hospital and they said my gall bladder was bad and then i had the surgery and they said that it has been bad my whole life.