Great War For Independence

  • Planning

    In this date, there was the planning of the independence movement by the Criollos in the house of Josefa Ortiz de Domínguez.
  • Spaniards Discoverment

    Spaniards Discoverment
    When the Spaniards found out about the movement that was being planned, they got really mad. The secret came out when some of the people who atended the meeting started to spread all of the truth. Due to this, the Independence started quickly inorder for it to proceed.
  • El Grito de Dolores

    El Grito de Dolores
    The Independence had to start, which was initiated by Migual Hidalgo when he gave a speech known as "El Grito de Dolores" in Dolores, Hidalgo where there is curently a statue stating "El Padre de la Patria, Miguel Hidalgo". The speech was made for people to follow him and hose the path for freedom. (Initiation)
  • Alhóndiga de Granaditas

    Alhóndiga de Granaditas
    Miguel Hidalgo lead his army and all of his troops to Guanajuato where he had a battle for Alhóndiga de Granaditas. When Hidalgo's army had no way to enter and conquer the building "El Pipa", they decided to tie a large rock to his back to keep the bullets from hitting him. They burned the door so all of the army would entery leading them to win the battle.
  • Monte de las Cruces

    Monte de las Cruces
    One of the toughest battles for Hidalgo and his army, was the Battle of Monte de las Cruces. This was because the Spaniards were very well prepared and had a very large army. This battle was the most important battle for Mexico City. Eventually, Hidalgo and his army won the battle, they were planning on moving on to Mexico city, but they decided to go back to Guadalajara to keep his army from ruining Mexico City.
  • Battle of Bridge of Calderon

    Battle of Bridge of Calderon
    In the Battle of Bridge of Calderon, Miguel Hidalgo had a very large army. On the pother hand, the highly equipped and very well trained Spaniards, were able to get rid of a lot of Hidalgo's army and provoking a lot of Indians to flee from battle. By this, the Spanish army won and caused for Hidalgo and other leaders of the Independence movement to return north, where they would be captured and executed.
  • Heart Shot

    Heart Shot
    After Miguel Hidalgo was captured, he was sentenced for execution. They placed him in front of a firing squad and he said he was going to get shot in his hand that he had placed at his heart.
  • Battle of Temalac

    Battle of Temalac
    The battle of Temalac which had the initiation in November 5, leading the insurgent army, Jose Maria Morelos. They later, Morelos and his troops, lost the battle and got captured and imprisoned. Morelos was accused of breaking the laws and fighting aginst the Catholic church, so he was executed.
  • Plan de Iguala

    Plan de Iguala
    The Plan of Iguala was confirmed active in february 24 of the year 1821. It was ccreated by Agustin de Iturbide and Vicente Guerrero. It mainly engaged in giving three promises: The independence of Mexico, primacy of the Roman Catholicism, and social equality.
  • Independence Day

    Independence Day
    Finally, on September 1821, Iturbide's army managed to defeat the Spanish army and got into Mexico City. Due to this, Mexico declared its independence from Spain on September 16, and later, Iturbide was made emperor of Mexico.