
LMS7 - Erynn Sly - Timeline

  • Birth

    I was born on Tuesday September 9th, 2003 at 3:01 PM. I was a twin but it didnt grow so I am the only child of David and Sarah Sly. I was 7 pounds 4 ounces and 21 inches long.
  • First Steps

    First Steps
    I took my first steps by myself from my mom to my dad at my grandma's house. It was just a few days before my first birthday.
  • 3rd Birthday

    3rd Birthday
    We celebrated my third birthday at my grandparents hourse at Lake Viking. My dad got me a 4 wheeler that matched his! It was a lot of fun.
  • First day of Kindergarten

    First day of Kindergarten
    Ridgeview ElementaryMom dropped me off at my first day of Kidergarten at Ridgeview Elementary. I went to Kid Zone before and after school.
  • First Cheer Showcase

    First Cheer Showcase
    My first cheer showcase at Excelsior Springs High School. I was cheering for Image All Stars. Unfortunately, it was also the date of the EF5 Tornado in Joplin MO.
  • Up in the arch

    Up in the arch
    Gateway ArchWe went on vacation around Missouri this year. We went up in the arch at 620 Feet! We then went to Branson and Carthage. We had so much fun!
  • Colorado!!

    Pikes PeakOn our vacation this year, I went on my first plane ride to Denver Colorado. We went to Rocky Mountian National Park, Colorado Springs, and to Dillon for shopping. One of my favorite parts was going up Pikes Peak at 14110 feet on the cog train!
  • I'm done with Elementary School!

    I'm done with Elementary School!
    On May 14th, we had out end of year celebration with singing and awards for each 5th grader. I miss my principal, Mrs. LaCroix, she is amazing!
  • Fury Showcase!

    Fury Showcase!
    Fury Cheer
    I changed gyms and am now at the best gym in the northland. I am on a Junior team called Frost. Saturday October 24th, we had a showcase to show our routine to our families. We have our first competition on Sunday November 1st at the Independence Events Center