Exposure to Traditional and New Media

By jnico
  • Lullaby (0-2 years old)

    Lullaby (0-2 years old)
    During my birth, my mother always sing to me lullabies for me to sleep well
  • CD-Player (1-4 years old)

    CD-Player (1-4 years old)
    My mother always play Mozart songs using the CD-Player.
  • Casette Player (3-7 years old)

    Casette Player (3-7 years old)
    My mother lets us learn the alphabet, consonants and vowels by making us listen to tunes produced by the player.
  • GeoSafari (4-8 years old)

    GeoSafari (4-8 years old)
    My parents bought us a GeoSafari Laptop. It is an educational toy where we can have fun and answer questions at the same time.
  • Mobile Phone (8 years old to present)

    Mobile Phone (8 years old to present)
    I first had a cellphone when I was 8 years old. It helped me reach my parents and grandparents with ease. It also serves as an entertainment for me.
  • Computer (9 years old to present)

    Computer (9 years old to present)
    I started engaging computers when I was 9 years old. It entertains me in such ways. It also helped me to learn by playing educational videos and reading articles.
  • Social Media (12 years old to present)

    Social Media (12 years old to present)
    I entered the world of social media when I was 12 years old. I became fond of it because it lets me acquire the ability to connect with people from all parts of the world and lets me share my thoughts and emotions.
  • Present
