
Economics and Development

  • Company of One Hundred Associates

    Company of One Hundred Associates
    The Company of One Hundred Associates was created to be a fur trading company. They were sent to New France by the King of France in order to populate the colony and in return they would have the monopoly of the fur trade industry. The company failed to populate New France.
  • Destruction of Huronia

    Destruction of Huronia
    The destruction of Huronia impacted fur trading after 1649. The French were allies with the Hurons but after the destruction, they lost their middlemen. The French had to go to the Algonquin territory to obtain their pelt supplies.
  • Mercantilist Policies

    Mercantilist Policies
    Mercantilism is a financial organization theory. The mother country takes the resources from the colony and sells back finished goods. You accomplish this my exporting more than you import.
  • Talon's Attempt to Diversify the Economy

    Talon's Attempt to Diversify the Economy
    Jean Talon encouraged variety in agricultural production, established brewery, set up a shipyard and financed the construction of workshops for craftsmen to make items and clothing for the local market. There were not enough people in New France to have diversified businesses.
  • Creation of Hudson's Bay Company

    Creation of Hudson's Bay Company
    The Hudson's Bay Company was a fur trading company.
  • Growth of Triangular Trade

    Growth of Triangular Trade
    Around 1670, Talon established triangular trade between France, its colonies and the West Indies. In 1773, triangular ttrade grew because of the founding of Louisbourg which was a large commercial port for ships all year round.
  • Surrender of Montreal: Start of British Regime

    Surrender of Montreal: Start of British Regime
    The French regime ended in 1760 and the British took over New France and the 13 Colonies. British merchants took over the fur trading industry.
  • Beginning of Timber Industry

    Beginning of Timber Industry
    In 1806, Britian could no longer import timber from nothern Europebcause of Napoleon's Continental Blockade. British merchants invested in the Lower Canada industry to encourage the timber trade. They also opened the first banks in Montreal and Quebec.
  • Timber Demand in Quebec -Fur decline

    Timber Demand in Quebec -Fur decline
    Napoleon's Continental Blockade caused Britian to turn to its colonies for timber. Timber exports from Low Canada exceeded fur exports The fur trade was in decline.
  • Construction of the Lachine Canal

    Construction of the Lachine Canal
    The period of 1820 to 1850 saw a boom in construction: canals, locks, railways and roads facilitated the transportation of merchandise and stimulated the economy. Domesrinc trade increased and trade with the U.S.A. exapnded. The lachine canal was constructed to allow ships to bypass the treacherous Lachine rapids.
  • Agricultural Crisis

    Agricultural Crisis
    A large agricultural crisis struck Lower Canada. The people resorted to subsistence farming, and poverty forced a large amount of farmers to leave the country to look for work in the cities either in Canada or the U.S. Wheat production dropped and Lower Canada had to start importing wheat.
  • The Nationalist Politics of MacDonald

    The Nationalist Politics of MacDonald
    The main points are: Increase Custom Duties: protect or promote Canadian industries by ensuring Canadians bought Canadian goods. Build Railways: the Canadian Pacific Railway was to run coast to coast, unify people and increase trade. Encourage Immigration: Especially in Western Canada, bigger population = bigger market.
  • First Phase of Industrialization

    First Phase of Industrialization
    1885-1900 makrs the first phase of industrialization. This phase can be characterized as poor, dirty, smelly and dangerous. Machines were powered by coal/steam engines. Farmers specialized in wheat, dairy, textiles and wood. The origins of the capital came from Britain.
  • Appearence of Unions

    Appearence of Unions
    Around the late 19th century, workers united to fight for better living and working conditions. It was the beginning of unionization. The Catholic clergy oversaw the creation of labour unions. Workers would fight for their rights by doing lock downs and strikes.
  • Second Phase of Industrialization

    Second Phase of Industrialization
    1900-1915 was the second phase of industrialization. This phase depended on hydroelectricity. This energy source brought heavy industried like metalworks and pulp and paper mill, and the variety of electrical consumer goods like light bulbs and radios increased. The capital was mostly American sources.
  • Urbanization

    From 1900-1929, industrialization let to the increase of urbanization. MOntreal was the economic capital of Canada. Its population expanded immensely and the businesses and services multiplied. Urban living conditions improved.
  • Roaring Twenties

    Roaring Twenties
    World War One ended in 1918. The people of Quebec recieved a lot of money from the war. People were living well and started to invest in banks.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    The end of WW1 brought an increase in the economy. People were buying shares in companies and borrowed money from the banks. 1929, on "Black Thursday" the stocks dropped and people lost their money. The 30s are called the Dirty Thirties because of the Great Depression.
  • The Quiet Revolution

    The Quiet Revolution
    We evolved but it was done quietly, no guns were shot off. The State began to play an important role in the economy. The government of Quebec nationalized electricitym created Crown corporations and hired thousands of people to work in the public and semi-public sectors. The Quiet Revolution is a rapid and far-reading process of social, economic and political regorm in Quebec. One main feature is, the government took over Hydro-Quebec.
  • Oli Crisis

    Oli Crisis
    People got scared because oli started to drop in the late 1970s and 1980s. This led to a recession and the disengagement of the State. Many government companies were privatised.
  • Creation of NAFTA

    Creation of NAFTA
    Canada signed several free trade agreements, including the NAFTA. This mean free trade between the U.S.A. Canada and Mexico.