Photo (12)

Developmental Timeline

  • Birth

    I was born on this day.
  • Piaget’s preoperational stage

    Piaget’s preoperational stage
    After about 14 months i said my first word, which was Dad. It was a significant event in my development.
  • Kohlbergs thoery of basic gender identity.

    Kohlbergs thoery of basic gender identity.
    At the age of three i started to develop the idea myself and who i was. I recognized a difference in genders. My sister did things different like use a different restroom with mom and changed clothes with other girls. I developed the significance of gender identity.
  • Erikson's theory of intiative vs. Guilt

    Erikson's theory of intiative vs. Guilt
    At four years old almost five i started to explore personal activities with others like playing outiside with others in pre-school. I started to develop initiative and assurance in leading others. It showed my development of initiative.
  • Kohlberg's thoery of preconventional morality

    Kohlberg's thoery of preconventional morality
    I was at the age of 6 and i started to recognize that there are different 'right' views on topics. I realized different people had different viewpoints. I realized this when i was school and saw two teachers argue about something but they finally agreed they were both right. This is significant because i realized the importance of others ideas.
  • Erikson's theory of Industry vs. Inferiority

    Erikson's theory of  Industry vs. Inferiority
    I was 7 years old at this time when i started to learn to read, write and do simple math. I started to feel the need to get my teachers approval on my work. My teacher was a significant influence on my desire for knowledge. This is significant because i started strive for knowledge.
  • Erikson's theory on Ego identity vs. Role confusion

    Erikson's theory on Ego identity vs. Role confusion
    I was 12 at this time. I had just started middle school and i was entering a whole new environment. I started to become more independent. I started to become more focused on fitting into society. This was a major stage in my development i started to to learn the roles that i would occupy as an adult. This is where i tried to find out exactly who i was.
  • Kohlberg's Theory of development, Conventional morality stage 3

    Kohlberg's Theory of development, Conventional morality stage 3
    I was 13 at this time. I started to focus on being looked at as a good person. I also started to develop moral standards based on role models. I wanted to develop a sense of good behavior. My teacher would always say that i was her most well behaved student and i enjoyed this. This is important in my development because i had begun to care about my standards and the outlook i portrayed.
  • Piaget's stages of development, formal operational stage.

    Piaget's stages of development, formal operational stage.
    I was around 15 at this time, this is when i started major intellectual development, i was able to use symbols in abstract symbols including algebra and science. My brain developed to form hyptothesis, including possibilites, as wells as a concept such as justice. I am to take classes such as calculus and chemistry now. This is significant in my development because it is a sign of my brain development.
  • Kohlberg's post-conventional stage

    Kohlberg's post-conventional stage
    I will be around 18 years old at this time. I will develop an important sense od individual judgment based on my chosen principles. I will become more awrae of the greater good not just for myself but for everyone associated. Since i am the captain of the basketball team it is important that i have this skill set to lead others. This is important in my development because i am developing my moral guidelines.
  • Erikson's thoery of Intimacy vs. Isolation

    Erikson's thoery of Intimacy vs. Isolation
    I will be 20 at this time. During this stage of development i will begin to venture more intimately with others. I will start to turn to relationships that could result to long term commitments. If i am successful in this stage it will lead to the virtue of love. This is important in my process of development because if i avoid intimacy it could lead to isolation, loneliness and sometimes depression.
  • Erikson's theory of Generativity vs. Stagnation

    Erikson's theory of Generativity vs. Stagnation
    I will be the age of 43 by now. I will hopefully have an established career and realationship by now. I hope to be a productive member of society, giving back to the community. This is important in my development because without this form of development i will feel unproductive.
  • Erikson's theory of Ego integrity vs. Despair

    Erikson's theory of Ego integrity vs. Despair
    I will be 70 by this time. At this time i will begin to slow in productivity and start to look back on my accomplishments in life. Hopefully i will be able to look back and think of myself as a productive person. This stage is important in development because if i see my life as unproductive i will begin to feel guilt and will the last days of my life in despair.