developmental psychology

  • Gestation

    My mother is two months away from her due date, I am developing at normal rate and thus far there have been no complications.
  • Birth

    My mother had noticed that I was not kicking and moving around which was unusual; after feeling me "summersault" in the womb. She goes to the doctor to find out what is wrong. They find that the imbilical cord was wrapped around my neck. They do an emergency C-section and I am born one month premature at 5 pounds 8 ounces.
  • Period: to


  • Social Development: one year

    I am spending most of my time with my parents, who described me as a happy well adjusted baby.
  • Physical development: One year

    I am developing rapidly and have had no issues, I am starting to eat some solid foods like baby food and rice cereal. I take my first steps unsupported. I master the "pincer grasp" and use it to pick up and swallow a penny; which worried my parents but passed without incident.
  • Period: to


  • Toddlerhood: Social Development

    Toddlerhood: Social Development
    I spend many of my daytime hours with my grandma, going to the aquarium and taking the bus.
    Temper tantrums are common: I bite my mothers leg for not giving me ice cream on one occasion.
  • Toddlerhood: Physical Development

    I am running and jumping constantly, my parents enroll me in a toddlers gymnastics class. I am told that I was very high energy toddler. I learn to draw, demonstrating fine motor skills.
  • Period: to

    Early Childhood

  • Toddlerhood: Cognitive Development

    Language: my language skills are developing normally, and I learn to asscoiate certain words with specific situations. My grandma notices that anytime I hear a honking horn I say "goddamit!" under my breath. Wonder how I learned that? I was able to categorize words, my vocabulary is rapidly expanding during this time.
  • Early Childhood: Social Development

    During this time I am in preschool at Coutryside Montessori in Totem Lake. I am starting to form strong friendships with other girls in my class.
    My love for animals becomes apparent, the school had goats and rabbits, I enjoyed feeding the animals.
  • Early Childhood: Physical Development

    At 5 years old I am very small for my age, much shorter than my peers. Although I am not small enough to imply any health isues, my nutritional needs are well met
  • Early Childhood: Cognitive Development

    I am reading by this time, and by age 6 I am reading at a sixth grade level.
    I struggle a little with math, but don't have any perceived defecits.
    I start collecting dinosaur models and learn the names of all the major species.
  • ADD Diagnosis

    I am diagnosed with ADD and started on medication, my school performance improves.
  • Period: to

    Middle Childhood

  • Elementary School

    Elementary School
    I attended Peter Kirk Elementary at age 7 in a split 1st 2nd grade class.
  • Middle Childhood: Cognitive Development

    I struggle enough with math to be kept on the average grade level for my age, rather than skipping a grade. Although my reading comprehension and writing skills are advanced for my age. My teacher notices that I have issues with attentiveness, initially thinking that I was hearing impaired.
  • Middle Childhood: Social Development

    I am making friends in school, but not many. I have two close girlfriends, and get along fine with my other classmates. I have a good relationship with my parents, Iam very attached to them. I enjoy taking on art projects with my dad, and reading the Narnia book series.
  • Middle Childhood: Physical Development

    Middle Childhood: Physical Development
    I am still small for my age but developing normally. I am involved in a variety of after school activities including gymnastics.
  • Period: to


  • Adolescence: Physical Development

    Puberty is in progress, so I start to grow taller in conjunction with other typical physical changes. I stop growing at 16 at the height of 5' 1".
  • Begin Middle School

    Begin Middle School
    I start school at North Star Junior High.
  • Adolescence: Social Development

    I have many friends at this time, and I meet my first serious boyfriend at 16.
    I am defiant and moody towards my parents, I withdrew from my family during this time and had trouble understanding their perspectives of my actions.
    My self esteem was very low in my adolescence, which is common, I felt self conscious and shy.
    I attribute my moodiness to hormonal changes brought on by puberty. I started to level out emotinally near the end of adolescence and my family releationships improved.
  • First Job

    First Job
    During this time many adolescents join the workforce, my first job was as an assistant groomer at Petco.
  • Adolescence: Cognitive Development

    I had been seeing a tutor for math, so my performance in math had reached the standard for my grade level.
    I still excelled in reading comprehension, and enjoyed reading in my own time.
    at 11 I should have developed metacognition, the ability to think about my own thoughts and others thoughts.
  • Period: to

    Emerging Adulthood

  • Highschool Graduation

    I graduate from Lake Washington Highschool.
  • College

    I start my first year at the University of Washington
  • Emerging Adulthood: Cognitive Development

    I struggled with getting used to a less structured learning environment in college but eventually adjusted.
    In college I honed my skills of reflective judgement. Where I could better "evaluate the accuracy and logical coherence of evidence and arguments"
  • Graduate from College

    Graduate from College
    I graduate from the University of Washington with a bachelors in psychology.
  • Emerging Adulthood: Physical

    I become even more of a night person, making all-nighters to study easier, but getting up in the morning for class much harder.
    The prevalence of risky behaviors rose in my first two years of college, as is common. But have since been steadily declining, reducing my risk of physical injury.
  • Emerging Adulthood: Social

    during this time I am making many friends that I know will be lifelong friends.
    I am more self-assured now as a young adult.
    I am in the process of developing my identity and understanding myself.

    I have developed my political views since adolescence.
    I have a fantastic relationship with my parents, and enjoy spending time with them.
  • Period: to

    Young Adulthood / Adulthood

  • Marriage

    I assume that by this age, like most in my age group, I will be married.
  • Nursing: Occupational Goals

    Nursing: Occupational Goals
    By this time I hope my occupational goals are met, I should be working a nurse in a hospital setting. By my current age I am in the Implementation/Specification stage of my occupational goals development.
  • Children

    I would like to think that in some point in my 20's I will be financially stable enough to have children.
  • Adulthood: Social

    Adulthood: Social
    hopefully during my adulthood all of my current closest friends will still be in my life.
  • Adulthood: Physical

    I will remain focused on my health, and preserve my youthfullness through proper diet and excercise.
    But throughout my adulthood, especially towards the end of emerging adulthood/ beginning of middle adulthood I will notice a decline in physical functioning. I will not be able to push my body as hard, and will be at greater risk of injury during excercise than I was in my 20's.
  • Period: to

    Middle Adulthood

  • Middle Adulthood: Physical

    By the age of 40 most people begin to notice changes in their sensory abilities.
    I should notice a significant decline in vision and hearing, but more so a change in vision.
    Menopause unfortuantely is in my future, I cannot predict what the experience will be like as it is different for every woman.
    Sleep problems are common during middle adulthood.
    I have to work to prevent osteoporosis as it runs in my family.
  • Middle Adulthood: Expertise

    This is the time in most people's lives where they are at the peak of expertise is experienced. By this time in my life I hope to be an expert in my chosen field.
  • Middle Adulthood: Cognitive

    At this time in the lifespan middle adults may begin to experience defecits in memory and processing speed.
  • Empty Nest

    By this time of my life, like with most middle aged adults I will see any of the children I have leave the home. This will be a time of a little sadess but also a time of greatly increased freedom and autonomy.
  • Becoming a grandparent

    Becoming a grandparent
    Many people find themselves becoming grandparents for the first time during middle adulthood.
  • Period: to

    Late adulthood

  • Late Adulthood : Retirement

    At age 67 I should be able to retire, it will mark the end of a lifetime of work.
  • Late Adulthood: Cognitive

    In late adulthood memory declines, as well as attention span, and some serious mental disorders can arise.
  • Late Adulthood: Social

    Hopefully my children will visit me regularly to provide help and emotional support. I would like to think that I should have some remaining friends that will visit. But during this time many in the US in very late adulthood find themselves isolated in nursing homes.
  • Late Adulthood: Physical

    Typically during late adulthood there is a steady decline in health. Conditions such as arthritis, heart disease, osteoporosis, and mental conditions like dimentia can arise. I hope that in my late adulthood I will remain very healthy like my grandparents.
  • Death

    I hope to die peacefully in my sleep. Longevity runs in my family so I expect to live to be close to 100. I wont be scared or sad I will know when it is my time to go, and recognize that I have lived a full life. Or at least that would be ideal.