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Democracy And The English Civil War

  • Jun 15, 1215

    The Magna Carta

    The Magna Carta
    The Magna Carta is the modt famous documents in the world. It was created for the English people for certiancivil rights. King John was the was forced to sign the Magna Carta. This also means that the Magna Carta was the first document forces upon a king.
  • James the 1st Rules England

    James the 1st Rules England
    King James the 1st had a talent for doing the the worng things. Some people called James"the weistest fool in Christiendom".He was the king of Scotland for 20 years before he beacme the king of England. He never mad goog impressions on his new subjects. He made the contubution of translating the bible into English. Its the best selling book of the world! He sadly pasted away in 1628.
  • King Charles the 1st of England.

    King Charles the 1st of England.
    King Charles the1st believed in the divine rights of kings like his father and was unwilling to compromise with the parlement. He kept apart from from people and and was very narrow-minded.King Charles was like his father, always looking for money. He relied on his fathers duke of Buckingham for advice and he depised and led the king into distaster, after disaster and so on. Whick inclued wars with France and Spain.
  • Charles the 1st Recalls Parlement

    Charles the 1st  Recalls Parlement
    Charles was pushed and forsed to recalling parlement. They only hsd the money to finance for war with the Scotishor, or what has happened before, giving scotland a sum of the money to get them to retreat and return to Scotland.
  • Petition of Rights

    Petition of Rights
    The Petition of Rights is a statment of civil liberties sent by the English parlement to king Charles the 1st. The Parlement had to finance th e kings unpopular forgeign plocie because of refusal.
  • The Long Parlement

    The Long Parlement
    The long Parlement is and English Parlement summoned on November 3 by King Charles the 1st. After the fiasco of the short parlement earlier that year, which itself followed for 12 years of parlementery absents. This went on till 1653.
  • The Civil War

    The Civil War
    The Civil War was terrible war beacuse people within a countery fight each other and even faily members may take diffrent sides. When Charles rasied his standerds in 1642 he began conflict that for 7 years would tear the contery apart.
  • Prides Purge and Rump parliment

    Prides Purge and Rump parliment
    Prides Purge took place in December. during the Second English Civil War troops under the command the man Calone Thonmpas Pride forcibly removed the
  • The Trial of Charles

    The Trial of Charles
    King charles the 1st was the first king to be put on trial for treason which lead to exicution or getting his head chopped off. This event was one of the most conversitial and famous in Stuart history. This exicution of King Charles led to an 11 year gap in the rule of stuarts.

    Oliver Cromwell named himself lord protector. He quickly made a name for himself by serving in the short and long parlement. Oliver Cromwell added 60 new horses to to the round heads when war broke out. Cromwell defeated king Charles in the war. Cromwell passed away on 1658. When he passed away the people took his body parts and sent his body parts to the farthest parts of England beacuse the people clearly hated him.
  • James the II Rules

    James the II Rules
    King James the second had 2 wifes. There names were Anne Hyde and Mary of Modena. King James the II was deposed in the Glorious Revolution. James was the last Roman Catholic monarch to reign over the Kingdoms of England, Scotland and Ireland. James was the second surviving son of Charles I, he ascended the throne upon the death of his brother, Charles II. James is best known for his struggles with the English Parliament and his attempts to create religious liberty for English Roman Catholics.
  • The Rstrotion Under Charles the II

    The Rstrotion Under Charles the II
    Charles II issued the Declaration of Breda, which King Charles the 2nd made several promises in relation to the reclamation of the crown of England. A Monck organized the Convention Parliament, in which met for the 1st time. King Charles II said he had been the lawful monarch since the execution of Charles I. For people it felt like the past 19 years havent even happened.
  • Test Act

    Test Act
    The test act is an English statute that excluded from the public office.All those who refused to take the oaths of allegiance or supremacy, people who refused to receive the communion according to the rites of the Church of England, or people who refused to renounce belief in the Roman Catholic doctrine of transubstantiationor to move locatio.
  • The Glorious Revultion

    The Glorious Revultion
    The Glorious revelution replaced the reigning king, James II, with the joint monarchy of his daughter Mary and her husband William.
  • Bill of Rights

    Bill of Rights
    The Bill of Rights is a collective name for the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution. It was proposed to assuage the fears of Anti-Federalists who had opposed Constitutional ratification. The amendments guarantee a number of personal freedoms, limit the government's power in judicial and other proceedings, and reserve some powers to the states and the public