
  • john a macdonald was born

    in glasglow, scotland, immigrated to canada in 1820 at the age of 5.
  • First provinces unite

    First provinces unite
    upper canada and lower canada unite into the province of canada. they are the first provinces to join confederation.
  • delegates at the charlottetown conference-continued

    delegates at the charlottetown conference-continued
    from the province of canada-continued : John A. Macdonald, Hector-Louis Langevin, William McDougall, and Thomas D'Arcy McGee.
  • delegates at the charlottetown conference

    delegates at the charlottetown conference
    from new brunsiwick : Edward Barron Chandler, John Hamilton Gray, Samuel Leonard Tilley, William Steeves, and John Mercer Johnson
    from nova scotia : Adams George Archibald, Robert B. Dickey, William Alexander Henry, Jonathan McCully, and Charles Tupper
    from pei : George Coles, John Hamilton Gray, Edward Palmer, Andrew Archibald Macdonald, William Henry Pope, and Edward Whelan
    from the province of canada : George Brown, Alexander Campbell, George-Étienne Cartier, Alexander Tilloch Galt
  • charlottetown conference

    charlottetown conference
    at first, new brunswick, nova scotia, and prince edward island premiers Samuel Leonard Tilley, Charles Tupper, and John Hamilton Gray were considering the idea of a maritime union. But on spetember 1 1864, the premier of the canada, john a macdonald, along with george brown and George-Étienne Cartier came to charlottetown to join in their conference. the charlottetown conference lasted until september 9, 1864. the three of them presented the idea of uniting all the colonies to form confederation
  • result of the charlottetown conference

    result of the charlottetown conference
    the delegates from the three maritime provinces gave the delegates from upper and lower canada a positive answer. this meeting and the following few, at halifax, st. john, and fredricton got the maritime delegates interested in the idea of confederation. they decided to hold another conference, a month later in quebec.
  • quebec conference

    quebec conference
    this conference lasted from october 10, 1864 to oct. 26. this time, the delegates from canada invited Viscount Monck of newfoundland to join them. Étienne-Paschal Taché was voted as chairman of this conference, though he was dominated by macdonald. the maritimers wanted equality, as did the french canadians. at the end of the conference, newfoundland was allowed to join confederation.
  • london conference

    london conference
    sixteen delegates came to london for a final conference to join confederation at the Westminster Palace Hotel. there were representatives from upper and lower canada, as well as from nova scotia and new brunswick. pei and newfoundland were still against joining. the london conference lasted until february 1867, with a break for christmas. at this time the new country was named canada, and it was also decided that Canada East should be renamed Quebec and Canada West should be renamed Ontario.
  • first provinces

    quebec, ontario, nova scotia, and new brunswick were the firsts to join confederation.
  • a province & a territory

    manitoba and northwest territories joined confederation.
  • british columbia

    british columbia joined canada.
  • prince edward island

    the smallest province joined canada.
  • choosing the capitol

    choosing the capitol
    there was a lot of debate about the location of the new country's capitol. finally, john a macdonald, first prime minister of canada, decided to ask queeen victoria. she chose ottawa, which caused a lot of uproar because the city was thought of as "nothing more than a sub-arctic lumber village
  • yukon

    yukon joined canada.
  • prairie provinces

    saskatchewan and alberta joined canada.
  • newfoundland

    newfoundland joined canada.
  • last territory

    nunavut is the last territory to join confederation.