About me

  • Born/First Step

    I was born on Friday November 28 1997 in greenville hospital and around 3 years old i took my very first step.
  • First Time Riding A Bike

    And when i was 4 years old i also ride a bike for my first time and it was scary at first but i got use to it in a short amount of time
  • Started School

    And around 4 years old i started school and on the very first day i was crying out really loud because i did not want my mom to leave me that very first day
  • First time playing Grand Theft Auto

    My first time playing grand theft auto because my brother taught me how to drive in grand theft auto so that i can help him win games for hime because he got really lazy around this time
  • 2nd time having cornrows

    when i got a little older my mom told me that i had braids when i was a baby and i couldnt believe it when she told me so i ask her can i grow my hair back and she said i can
  • First time getting $300 dollars

    I got really lucky on new years eve when my dad gave me $300 dollars for my first time in my life time
  • Obtain my drivers permit

    hopefully when i turned 17 years old i can finally get my drivers permit but i really wanted to get my drivers permit when i was 15 years but it never happen so it will be either be 16 years old or 17 years old.
  • Graduate

    This is the very special day for me when i walk across that stage and recieved my high school dipoloma and make my family members proud for me for all the hard work i have done
  • Music producer

    i am not for sure what i want to be after i graduate high school i want to be either a lawyer or a judge or a actor or either a music producer but a music produecer is more easy the being a judge a lawyer or a actor all you have to do is make music for other rappper