A Journey Through My Life

  • My Birth - Personal

    My Birth - Personal
    I was born in Kingsport, TN.
  • Mi Hermano - Personal

    Mi Hermano - Personal
    My little sister was born!!! I was not an only child anymore.
  • I moved to Maryville, TN. - Personal

    I moved to Maryville, TN. - Personal
    I moved to Maryville, TN in 1997. I moved closer to my grandparents, and I started at a new school.
  • Girl Scout Honor - Personal

    Girl Scout Honor - Personal
    I became a member of Troop 503. I stayed with this group all the way through until I graduated from MHS.
  • Fish in the Water - Personal

    Fish in the Water - Personal
    I begain swimming for the Flying Dolphins Swim Team, to later join the MHS Varsity Swim Team, and became captain.
  • I accepted Christ! - Personal

    I accepted Christ! - Personal
    I went through different years in Sunday School and Vacation Bible School. I decided that I wanted what the Bible told me so much about, and I wanted to go to Heaven when I died. I asked Christ into my heart and life.
  • ABCDEFG _- Professional

    ABCDEFG _- Professional
    I started helping my mom with the nursery work at church, helped her grade papers in her classroom, and started babysitting on my own. this is where my idea to truly become a teacher and work with children as a career started. Because I started working with children, I do not ever want to stop. I can use this to help with my teaching of social studies by relating different changes through the year of how I see children changing.
  • Youth Group - Personal

    Youth Group - Personal
    I started in the youth group at church, where I grew stronger in my faith, became a member of the Youth Praise Team, and was given a spot on the Youth Council.
  • Job Shadow - Professional

    Job Shadow - Professional
    I was in a Senior Transition class, and I was able to go job shadow in a Kindergarten class. I got to leave class and work with children. I found out the different age groups that I hope to work with in the future. This helped me to see how social studies was taught in another classroom.
  • High School Graduate - Personal

    High School Graduate - Personal
    I graduated from Maryville High School!
  • Carson-Newman -Professional

    Carson-Newman -Professional
    I started my freshman year at Carson-Newman College. I was a third generation Carson-Newman student. I started taking classes to prepare me to be accepted into the Teacher Education Program. This helped me to learn even more information to help teach social studies, and get into my classes that help me preapre to teach.
  • Teaching Program - Professional

    Teaching Program - Professional
    I was accepted into the Carson-Newman College School of Education Teaching Program! I knew that I had made it so far, and I was finally able to start in my more teacher oriented classes. I have become a stronger teacher, and have learned more and more to help me in my future career. Getting into the teaching program helped me to be able to register for classes that will help improve my knowledge of social studies standards and concepts.
  • MCA - Professional

    MCA - Professional
    I got a teaching position working at Maryville Children's Academy. I was able to work with children full time. This helped me feel what working in a classroom would be like day in and day out. This helped me to see how a different age group learns different social functions and how I can use that information later on.
  • Res Life - Personal

    Res Life - Personal
    I got a job as a residence assisstant in Alumni Dorm.
  • Chi Lambda Sigma - Personal

    Chi Lambda Sigma - Personal
    I became a sister in Chi Lambda Sigma, "Callies". I became the treasurer the next year, then the Vice President, and finally the President my senior year of college!