Louis xvi

The Reign of Terror

  • The National Assembly

    The National Assembly
    The third estate stormed Bastille Prison, in search of the king's gun stash, and found 7 people. This caused the end of feudalism and the creation of The Rights of Man and Citizen.
  • Legislative Assembly

    Legislative Assembly
    Prussia and Austria invade france after a constitutial monarchy was formed. Soon property requirements allowed you to vote.
  • National Convention

    National Convention
    Jacobins take control of France, and the constitutiol monarchy was therefore abolished through King Louis XIV, turning france into a newly formed republic.
  • Commitee of Public Safety takes over the Nation Convention

    Commitee of Public Safety takes over the Nation Convention
    Document A (decree against profiteers) and Document B ( law of suspects) were both informed at the time, ending the Reign of Terror by executing Robespierre.