The Reign of Terror

  • End of the Terror

    The National Assembly, out of fear, turns on Robespierre. The Reign of Terror ends with his execution.
  • A New Power

    Moderates are in power of France. This is the entrance of Napoleon Bonaparte.
  • The Dawn of Revolution

    France runs out of money due to Marie Antoniette's high-rise lifestyle. Floods, hailstorms, and the coldest winter in a centrury ravages the French countryside. With the price of bread increasing, so does empty stomachs. The 3rd estate leds a revolution in the city of Paris. They steal weapons from the Bastille known as Storming of the Bastille.
  • Setting the Stage

    With the entire nation on egde, nobles and members of clergy in the National Assembly have a late-night meeting. Motivated by fear, members of the First and Second estate join the National Assembly and declare chruch officials, elected and paid, as state officials. Many peasants are angered by their actions. Divisions developed within the country. The Legislative Assembly is created and approved by Louis XVI. Radicals, moderates, conservatives split France into factions.
  • The Execution of Louis XVI

    Back when the National Assembly made many reforms, Louis opposed these reforms and fled, along with his supporters. After European threats against the nation, France declares war and imprisons Louis and Marie. Louis XVI is tried for treason, found guilty, and sentenced to death by guillotine.
  • The Terror Grips France

    Maximillien Robespierre comes into power and changes society. His rule is known as the Reign of Terror.
  • National Protection

    Robespierre wanted to protect France from enemies like Great Britain.
  • Execution!

    Robespierre tried "criminals" in the morning and were guillotined in the afternoon for treason. Many revolutionaries were sentenced. 85% of those executed were peasants.
  • Political Problems

    Robespierre was often troubled by radicals in his quest for power.