The French Revolution

  • Period: to

    American Revolution

    Colonists from the Thirteen American Colonies revolt against the British.
  • Panic before the Storming

    Panic before the Storming
    Parisians grew panicked as rumors of an impending military coup began to circulate, as fear and violence strikes many in the capital. This event leads up to the Storming of the Bastille.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    A popular insurgency accumulated when rioters stormed the Bastille fortress in an attempt to obtain weapons. This marks the beginning of the French Revolution.
  • Period: to

    French Revolution

    The Third-Estate fights back after going through harsh conditions.
  • Adoption of Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen

    Adoption of Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
    National Constituent Assembly adopts the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, a document to announce the Assembly’s commitment to replace the current system with a system based on equal opportunity, freedom of speech, popular sovereignty and representative government.
  • Birth of a New Constitution

    Birth of a New Constitution
    France's first written constitution is adopted echoing the voices in the National Constituent Assembly.
  • King Louis XVI is arrested

    King Louis XVI is arrested
    Extremist Jacobins attack the royal residence in Paris and arrest King Louis XVI.
  • King Louis XVI's death

    King Louis XVI's death
    King Louis XVI was beheaded by a guillotine after being reduced to a common citizen and a prisoner.
  • King Louis XVI attempts to escape

    King Louis XVI attempts to escape
    King Louis and his wife Marie Antoinette unsuccessfully attempt to flee.