Revolutionary war

The French Revolution

  • 1774

    lois xvi takes the throne at the age of 19. Well intentioned but weak leader who was often controlled by his wife, marie antoinette.
  • 1789

    the people of paris storm the bastille, a much hated prison that symboled autocratic rule. the revolution had begun.
  • 1789

    national assembly adopted the declaration of the rights of a man and of the citizen. garenteed the rights of liberty, property, security and ressistance to appresion to all people.
  • 1789

    the great fear, peasents were fearful that the nobles were hiring outlaws to terrorise them.
    peasents rioted. stormed versailes and demanded that louis and marie antoinette move to paris.
  • 1789

    louis xvi's government about to go bankrupt, poor harvest, the national assembly is formed.
  • 1791

    national assembly disbanded so the new legislature assembly can take over. creates a constitutional monarchy; strips power from the king and gave the assembly the power to create french law.
  • 1791

    the revolution leaders start to turn on each other and three factors in the legislature assembly form. radicals, monarchs, and conservatives. (picture: monarch)
  • summer 1792

    austraia and prussia, who supported lois xvi, sent troops to paris.
  • 1792

    20,000 parsians made the royal pallace, louis, marie antoinette and their children imprisoned.
  • 1792

    the national constitution abolishes the monarchy and declares france a republic. all adult male citizens are garenteed the right to vote and hold office. woman were not given these same rights.
  • 1792-1793

    louis is no longer king, the ratical jacobians tried louis for treason and found him guilty. he is put to death.
  • 1793

    louis xvi executed by the guilletie.
  • 1793

    great britan, holland and spaun jain prussia and austria and fighting france.
    the national assembly drafts 300,000 french citizens to the army.
  • summer 1793

    leader maximeilian robespere sets out to gather power to his own hands.
    he becomes the leader of the commitee of public safety . he decides that we should be considered on enemy of the republic. the comitee had people tried and executed in the same day
  • 1793-1794

    robespere governed france as a dictator, this period became known as the reighn of terror.
    approxomontly 3,000 were executed in paris, and as many as 40,000 were killed all together.
  • 1793

    marie antoinette was executed
    revelutionary courts declare death sentences on those that challenge robespere.
  • 1794

    the national comitee takes on robespere, claimming that he is a tyrant.
    he is exicuted on july 28
  • 1795

    moderate leaders
    male new constitution
    napolian chosen to lead frances army