
The French Revolution

By gorabu
  • The Fall of Bastille

    The Fall of Bastille
    When rumors spread about royal troops occupying Paris, many Parisians gathered outside the Bastille, a medieval fortress used as a prison to demand weapons and gun poweder. Chaos broke out, killing hundreds in the crowd. The mob broke through the barriers, finding no weapons. This event became a symbol of tyranny and a symbol of the French Revolution.
  • The Declaration of the Rights of Man -"Liberty, Equality, Fraternity"

    First step toward a constitution. It was based of of the structure of the American Declaration of Indpendence. It stated all men were, "born and remain free and equal in rights." Natural rights to, "liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression." It also declared all male citizens equal before the law. French men were allowed to hold public office with "no distinctions on their virtues and talents." Asserted freedom of religions and taxed to be levied according to pay.
  • Women march on Versailles

    Women march on Versailles
    A large crowd of women began to riot over the scarce quantity of bread and the rising prices of it. The women marched for twelve miles from Paris to Versailles. These women were fed up with the extravagant living of the King and Queen, when they were going hungry. The women demanded for the King to return with them to Paris. He agreed. The women were taking action during the revolution. This signifies that the king was no longer in control to make decions. Favored the common people.
  • Civil Constiturion Clergy

    The Catholic Church was taken over by the National Assembly, in which they established a national church system with elected clergy. There were 83 bishops, one for each department. The French monarchy were in charge of making laws and regulations pertaining to the church. Many opposed.
  • The Royal Excape

    King Louis XVI of France, along with his wife Marie Antoinette decided to escape their embarassing situation in Paris. Louis agreed. He disguised himself with his family. However, their disguises were revealed. They were returned back to Paris, this time confined to the Tuileries Palace. They were seen as traitors to the revolution.Reactions within France, as well as outside of France spurred about the king. Louis received threats from abroad.
  • The Constitution of 1791

    The Constitution of 1791
    It abolished many “institutions which were injurious to liberty and equality of rights." It replaced the absolute mocarchy in France by a limited monarchy. Also, a new legislative Assembly was in charge of making laws, collecting taxes, and deciding on affairs concerning war and peace. Male citizens that payed taxes were allowed to elcet the lawmakers. Old provinces were replaced. It was important because it reflected the Enlightenment goals, ensuring equality before the law for all citizens.
  • Create of National Convention

    The National Convention was elected as a legislative body by radicals. It held executive power in France. The Convention voted to abolish the monarchy and declare France a republic. The Jacobins controlled the convention. They wanted to dissolve old order. They took lands and titles away that belonged to the nobility.
  • The Reign of Terror

    The Reign of Terror
    The National Convention was elected as a legislative body by radicals. It held executive power in France. The Convention voted to abolish the monarchy and declare France a republic. The Jacobins controlled the convention. They wanted to dissolve old order. They took lands and titles away that belonged to the nobility.