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The French Revolution

  • Period: to

    The French Revolution

  • The American Revolution

    The American Revolution
    The American Revolution was a revolt against the British government in which the colonist in America decided that they wanted to form their own country. This lead to people seeing that you don't have to be bullied by a powerful government and if you wanted to you can overthrow a powerful figure, and helping America lead to many of the common people of France to starve which pushed them to their breaking point.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    After the commoners were kicked out of the estate votes they formed together in a small tennis court to defy Louis XVI's orders to disperse and together they swore to keep together until a new French constitution was formed.
  • Fall of the Bastille

    Fall of the Bastille
    The Bastille was a large prision that stored arms and people but it was not normally used as a prision. Revolutionary troops stormed the Bastille in Paris because it had become a symbol of tyranny and the people didn't like what it stood for.
  • The Great Fear

    The Great Fear
    The great fear was a time when the peasants of France were fearful of the king being too privileged, people also feared that the higher powers were planning to keep the less privleged at the bottom and them up high.
  • The Declaration of the Rights of Man

    The Declaration of the Rights of Man
    Was the French Declaration and it said: All men are created equal, and no political accociation can change it. These rights are Libery, Property, Secutity, and Resistance to oppresion.
  • The Women's March

    The Women's March
    The Women's March was a group of angry peasant women who broke into the Versailles to take the food thet was supposedly being held there.
  • Execution of the King

    Execution of the King
    After his rule of an estimated 50 years the people said they had enough of his incompetence. After being imprisioned after trying to escape France he was given a swift trial and sentanced to death by guillotine.
  • The Reign of Terror

    The Reign of Terror
    The Reign of Terror was a period of voilence and confusion after the French Revolution. After getting rid of the power over France nobody planned who would rule over the country which lead to mass confusion over laws and regulations.
  • Execution of the Robespierre

    Execution of the Robespierre
    Maximilien Robespierre was the leader of the Public Saftey Committee, He was responsible for starting the Reign of Terror and was responsible for sentencing over 17,000 people that were thought to be enemies of the revolution to death by guillotine.
  • The Directory Established

    The Directory Established
    The Directory was a group of men who held power over the people of France. The Directory was very corrupt due the the emense power that they were given.