French revolution pictures 1

The French Monarchy is Toast!

  • The Calling of the Estates General

    The Calling of the Estates General
    The first meeting of the Estates since 1614, it resulted in the leaders of the 3rd estate declaring themselves a national assembly. They wished to represent the entire nation & enact reforms with, or without, the other two estates.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    When the leaders of the 3rd estate were locked out of the meeting hall, they moved to a nearby tennis court and vowed to meet every day until they drafted a Constitution for France.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    Although it wasn't a huge prison, the storming of the Bastille represented the uproar that was to come from the 3rd estate, and eventually became the symbol of the revolution.
  • The Constitution of 1791

    The Constitution of 1791
    With the Declaration of the Rights of Man & Citizen as its preamble, the Constitution of 1791 limited the king's power, and gave equal treatment to all the estate members. The Nobles no longer had special privileges and rights over the Bourgeoise or members of the 3rd estate.
  • The Guillotine is approved for use by the Legislative Assembly

    The Guillotine is approved for use by the Legislative Assembly
    Interestingly enough, the guillotine is approved for use by the legislature a few short months before it is used to execute their own king.
  • Beheading of Louis XVI

    Beheading of Louis XVI
    A dignified death in the eyes of the king himself, he was beheaded by the guillotine, and was the supposed end to the French absolute monarchy, and is replaced by the new leaders, the Bourgoise.