The essential events of time

  • The old Regime

    by making people into different types of classes or estates it made them feel unfair and wanted to get what they wanted no matter what, therefore possibly creating rebellion.
  • Enlightenment Ideas

    Because many members of the third state were inspired by the american revolution, they started to question the structure in their society. By quoting Rousseau and Volter they demanded equality.
  • France Debt

    Between 1770-1780 France went into debt because the spending of King Luoi and Mary Antoinette. It was also because King Loui was very indecisive and allowed matters to drift.
  • France government in trouble.

    King Loui had little attention to his government advisers and had little patience of details of governing and had the queen which only added problems. She often interfered with the government and offered bad advice.
  • Bad weather

    Because of the bad weather in 1780, it made the crops fail and made it caused a shortage of the grain, this made in 1786 create a increase in the bread cost making people starve to death.
  • Dawn of the Revolution

    The Dawn of the Revolution is about how the third Estate Government had a view on enlightenment and how to make their government better. They wanted the two more estates to contribute their new ideas. The idea was to get rid of absolute monarchy and also begin with a representative government.
  • Great Fear Sweeps France

    The great fear was basically nobles hiring outlaws to terrorize the peasant. then the peasants began to rebel or demand about the taxes. Soon after the king and queen left making a change in power.
  • The meeting of the estates general

    This was an assembly of representatives of the three estates, so they would approve the new tax of king loui. The meeting was the first in 175 years and was held in May 5 1789
  • Rights Of Man

    It was a document that was reflected on the declaration of independence. It said how men remain free and equal in rights, rights include liberty, property, security and resistance to oppression. What it also helped was that it gave citizens all equal in in justice, freedom of speech, and freedom of religion.
  • Limited Monarchy

    On september 25, 1791 the assembly created a limited constitutional monarchy. It took some of the kings authority, and it also made a new legislative body this helped create laws and help in decisions either to reject or accept declarations of war.