Sudan Civil War Timeline (:

  • Period: to

    Seperate Regions

    Until 1946 Britian had regonized North and South Sudan as 2 differetn territories.
  • They Get Their Freedom ! ... Barely

    They Get Their Freedom ! ... Barely
    Britain along with the Egyption government pulled out of Sudan. Basically giving them "freedom"
  • Just The Beginning

    Just The Beginning
    On August 8th 1955, Sudan Forces Equatorial Corps mutinied in Torit & several other cities. Sending Generals in the North false war telegrams from the South. All in an effort to persuade the North to opress the South.
  • Here Come The Problems

    Here Come The Problems
    In 1958, General Ibraham Abboud siezed the government power.
  • Here We Go

    Here We Go
    In order to reliev tension beween Sudan & other countries, Ibraham Abboud signed peace treaties with Ethiopia & Uganda. After isolating the East & West. He looked to the South to expand his linited power base.
  • The Riots Start

    The Riots Start
    The hatred of military government quickly led to protests & the creation of a care taker government.
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    Several islamic administrations proved that problems in Sudan we're becoming unbearable for them nd shut down.
  • We're Overthrown

    On May 2th, 1969 Col. Gaafar Nimeiry became Prime Minister & outlawed political parties altogether.
  • We're Ovethrown

    We're Ovethrown
    On May 2th, 1969 Col. Gaafar Nimeiry became Prime Minister & outlawed political parties altogether.
  • United As One

    United As One
    Former General Joseph Lagu gathered the majority of gurriella bands together. Making it the first time in history when everyone was united and there was a signle grop with the same ideas speaking for the South.