Sudan flag with stroke

Sudan Timeline

  • Turko-Eygptian Rule of Sudan (ICC Declares Genocide in Sudan)

    Turko-Eygptian Rule of Sudan (ICC Declares Genocide in Sudan)
    The Turko-Egyptian Rule over Sudan began in 1821 until 1885. Under the rules of Turko-Egyptian, thousands of people were forced to cultivate cotton and were heavily taxed. Thousands of people were also forced to leave Sudan and go to Egypt.
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    Information Source: ppt
  • British Colonization of Sudan

    British Colonization of Sudan
    In 1898, the Sudanese Government was overthrown Anglo-Egyptian forces, introducing British rule and influence. The British colonization ended in 1956.
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    Information Source: ppt
  • Britain’s Southern Policy in Sudan

    Britain’s Southern Policy in Sudan
    The Britians said that the Southern Sudan wasn’t ready for the modern world. So the Southern Sudan got isolated, and got limited social services.
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    Information Source: ppt
  • Sudan’s Independence from Britain

    Sudan’s Independence from Britain
    Sudan’s fight for independence began in 1938. In 1946, British re-evaluated the "close door" policy. The British decided to open the border between the northern and southern Sudan. But still, south Sudan is being mistreated by the central government.
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    Information Source: ppt
  • 1st Civil War in Sudan

    1st Civil War in Sudan
    The 1st civil war began in 1955 until 1972. For 17 years, the Southern Sudan have been experiencing civil strife, and various Southern leader wanted to separate from the north. At the end they signed a peace agreement ending the war.
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    Information Source: ppt
  • Anya Nya is Created

    Anya Nya is Created
    Anya Nya is one of the main rebel group, in the 1st civil war. The 1st civil war was about Southern Sudan that have been experiencing civil strife and Southern leader wanted to separate from the north.
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    Information Source: ppt
  • Nimeiri Becomes President in Sudan

    Nimeiri Becomes President in Sudan
    Nimeiri took over the previously democratic government in 1969. One of his contribution was he end the civil war that had been ongoing since Sudan’s independence.
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    Information Source: ppt
  • Oil is First Discovered in Sudan

    Oil is First Discovered in Sudan
    The discovery caused a lot of excitement, because poverty in the South will end and there will be high standard living. But the central government still denied Southern’s development opportunities.
    Image Source: Presentation
    Information Source: ppt
  • SPLM/A is Created

    SPLM/A is Created
    The SPLM/A is the rebel movement in the South.
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    Information Source: ppt
  • 2nd Civil War in Sudan

    2nd Civil War in Sudan
    The 2nd civil war happened from 1983 to 2005. It happened when President Nimeiri introduced Sharia Law, and did not recognize some part of the peace agreement. They were also fighting for resources.
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    Information Source: ppt
  • Omar Al-Bashir Becomes President

    Omar Al-Bashir Becomes President
    When he became the president in 1985, he eliminated the previous constitution of 1985, abused the freedom of press, eliminated unions, and vanquished all political parties except his own. There had been protests against Bashir’s government leading to war. He ended being the president in 2005.
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    Information Source: ppt
  • Major Famine in Sudan

    Major Famine in Sudan
    In 1989, there was a drought in Sudan causing a major crop failure. The government refused to help Southern Sudan, making thousands of people hungry. Causing people to fight for food.
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    Information Source: ppt
  • Darfur Conflict Starts

    Darfur Conflict Starts
    The conflict was between the Northern Government and rebel groups. The conflict was about the rebel protesting that black African ethnic groups are being mistreated by the Muslim central government. The conflict is still happening until now.
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    Information Source: ppt
  • Sudan Independence Day

    Sudan Independence Day
    On July 9, 2011 people of south Sudan have celebrated the birth of their new nation. All over southern Sudan, people converged on the new capital Juba to hear the declaration of independence and take part in various events. The indepence followed a January 2011 referendum, in which southern Sudanese overwhelmingly voted for secession from the north.
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