History of Sudan

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    Sources of Slaves

    In the early 19th century the Jallaba, a group of northern Muslim treders mostly from the Ja'aliyyin and Danagla tribes of the Nile valley, came in increasing numbers to souther Sudan, especially northern Bahr al-Ghazal, which became an important source f slaves.
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    Raiding and Hostages

    From the mid 1800s there was raiding and hostage-taking, slave-like conditions and child trafficking among rival Sudanese tribes existedbefore the arrival of invaders from the north. However foreign traders encouraged hostile tribal groups to raid each other for treasure including ivory and slaves.
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    Flashpoint for Conflict

    The south-western relion of Bahr al Ghazal was one of the most prominent centers of slave trading on the African continent in the late 19th century.
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    Condominium Agreement

    On January 19, 1899 Britain and Egypt signed a condominium agreement under which the Sudan was to be administered jointly. In the twelve ensuing years, the Sudan's revenue had increased seventeen fold, its expenditure tripled, and its budget reached a balanced state which was to be maintained until 1960.
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    Sudans Ruler

    Sudan was ruled under British-Egyptian control between 1899 and1956 until they gained their independence, with Darfur joining the protectorate in 1916. The North and South were kept separate by their Anglo-Egyptian rulers until 1946. During this period the majority of development was focused in the North, with the South and other peripheral regions, including Darfur, were both politically and economically marginalised.
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    Bombing of People

    In the first two decades of the 20th century the Brithish conducted a "pacification" campaign in Southern Sudan and the Nuba Mountains. They used military force including the earliest aerial bombing against people who often regarded the British not as their saviors from slavery but as a new wave of invaders.
  • Needed Protectin?

    In the 1920s a seies of laws, the Closed Districts Ordinances placed tight controls on access to the South, the Nuba Mountains, Darfur and Southern Blue Nile, whose peoples- after "pacification"- were now regarded as needing "protection".
  • Political Parties

    By 1945, two political parties had emerged. The National Unionist Party led by al-Azhari, demanded union of the Sudan and Egypt; it had the support of Sayed Sir Ali al- Mirghani, head of a powerful religious sect. The Umma Party, backed by Sayed Sir Abdur-Rahman al-Mahdi demanded unqualified independence and no links with Egypt.
  • Southern Policy

    In 1947 Southern Policy was abandoned after the Juba Conference organized by the colonial government, at which Southern chiefs agreed with northern nationalists to pursue a united Sudan. A crash program of integration followed.
  • Oil Line

    Oil Line
    This is a map showing the oil line that rins through Sudn. The yellow line outlined in red is the oil line. North and South Sudan compeate over the oil. 98% of Sudan depends on oil revenue.
  • Civil War

    The second civil war is triggered because the peace trety was broken.
  • Shari'a Law.

    In 1983 the Sari'a law was incorporated into the government's legal system. This law said that the people could be punished because of this Islamic Code. One of the punishments included public lashing.
  • Kids of Sudan

    Kids of Sudan
    When war was going on and the kids had nothing to eat they would starve. This is how a lot of the kids looked because of the lack of food.
  • Nimeiri Overthrown

    Nimeiri was overthrown because of the collapsing economy.
  • The Lost Boys

    The Lost Boys
    Tis is a picture of the lost boys. These boys had to walk months at a time with no food or water. They did this because therehomes where attacked and in order to live the had to walk across Sudan. Many of the boys got sick and died on this jounery.
  • Division of north and south

    Division of north and south
    Sudan was divided between the north and south. This cause problems because one had better living conditions. This also caused war because each had different beliefs.
  • Water suplies

    Water suplies
    The roads in sudan where dirt, and the people walked bear foot. They also had to walk to go get water because they didnt have runing water.
  • People of Sudan Starving

    July 12, At least 700,000 people were facing starvation in southern Sudan because of the Khartoum government’s refusal to allow large-scale food aid.
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    China's Investment

    China wanted Sudans oil so they began investing in Sudan following US sanctions there. By 2005 Sudan provided China with about 5% if its oil imports.
  • Peace Trety

    The two parties formally signed the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) on January 9, 2005.
  • Shiping out of Oil

    Shiping out of Oil
    This is a picture of a pie gragh. It shows the % of oil shiped out to different countries.