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Stefany Alarcón

  • I Was Born On

    I Was Born On
    I Was Born In Arauca, Arauca
  • It was the birthday of my cousin

    It was the birthday of my cousin
    That was a special day because that day my cousin was birthday.
  • I was graduated of preschool on

    I was graduated of preschool on
    It was a special day because I got my first mention of honor.
  • My first halloween disguise

    My first halloween disguise
    That day was important because I ate a lot of sweets.
  • intraclass

    It was an important day because I met the mayor of Barrancabermeja
  • The first halloween with my brother on

    The first halloween with my brother on
    That was a special day with my beautiful brother.
  • My Baptism

    My Baptism
    It was a special day for me to receive Christ
  • My first communion

    My first communion
    It was a special day because I received Christ in my life
  • My 15 years old

    My 15 years old
    It was an important day because I stopped being a girl to become a beautiful woman
  • Family Halloween

    Family Halloween
    was a great day because I shared with my mom hallowen.
  • Christening of my cousin

    Christening of my cousin
    It was an important day because I shared with my family in a beautiful Mass
  • The 15th years old of my best friend

    The 15th years old of my best friend
    It was an important day because my friend became all woman of society.
  • With my friends beautiful

    With my friends beautiful
    It was a fun day that we enjoyed a beautiful adrenaline.
  • Dancing with my friends.

    Dancing with my friends.
    It was an important day because I learned a nice experience with my friends about teamwork.
  • My Family.

    My Family.
    It was an important day because they enjoyment a nice meal with my family on Mother's Day.
  • My 16th years Old.

    My 16th years Old.
    It was an important day because I fulfilled a year more of life
  • Day of Love and Friendship.

    Day of Love and Friendship.
    It was a poignant day because I shared my friendship with my friends.