Old spanish flag

Spain's Empire and European Absolutism

By mlm072
  • Jan 1, 1500

    Expulsion of Jews and Muslims

    Expulsion of Jews and Muslims
    Spain expelled Jews and Moors (Muslims) causing them to loose valuable artisans and buisness people.
  • Period: Jun 28, 1519 to Aug 27, 1556

    Reign of Charles V (Spain)

    inherited Spain, Spain's land, Spain's American colonies, parts of Italy, Austria, and Netherlands; largest territory contolled by an European sinse Charlemenge; unwillingly agreed to the the Peace of Augusburg, allowing German Princes to decide the religion for their territory.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1541 to

    Lfe of El Greco

    'Domenikos Theotokopoulos'; painted distorted and colorful paintings; colorful distorted human body; expressed emotions in paintings; paintings showed deep Catholic faith of Spain
  • Period: Sep 29, 1547 to

    Life of Miguel de Cervantes

    wrote Don Quixote, about a man that goes mad, thinking he was a knight and imagines villans for him to fight. Marked the beginning of modern novels.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1550 to

    Silver and gold from the Americas to Spain

    16,000 tons of silver and 339,000 pounds of gold were imported from the Americas to Spain. One fourth to one fifth of all shiploads were taken by the government and added to the royal treasury
  • Jan 1, 1555

    Peace of Augsburg

    Peace of Augsburg
    Charles V unwillingly agrees to The Peace of Augsburg, allowing German Princes to choose religion for their territory.
  • Period: Jan 16, 1556 to

    Reign of Philip II

    Charles V's son; inherited fathers territory and his uncle's (King of Portugal) land; defender of Catholicism; defeated Ottomans at the battle of Lepanto; had gray granite castle that had massive walls and desplayed his power; raised taxes in Netherlands, cauing the Protestant revolt in 1566; lost Dutch possesions;; reintroduced idea of absolute monarch
  • Jan 1, 1566

    Protestants Rebel

    Protestants Rebel
    Angry Protestants swept through Catholic churches, destroying religious painting and statues in response to the raised taxes Sapin set in the Netherlands
  • Jan 1, 1568

    Exucution of Protestants

    Exucution of Protestants
    Duke exucuted 1,500 Protestants and suspected rebels from the protests of 1566 in one day.
  • Jan 1, 1571

    Catholics vs. Muslims

    Catholics vs. Muslims
    Pope called on Catholic Princesto take arms against the rising Ottoman Empire
  • Jan 1, 1571

    Battle at Lepanto

    Battle at Lepanto
    Philip II defeated the Ottomans at the Battle of Lepanto.
  • Jan 1, 1574

    Dutch City of Leiden under Siege

    Dutch City of Leiden under Siege
    Spanards had the dutch city of Leinden under siege. Dutch opened the floodgates, leading to Leinden, flooding the Spanish army out of their camps.
  • Jan 1, 1579

    Creation of United Providence of Netherlands

    Creation of United Providence of Netherlands
    7 northern proviences of Netherlands (Largly Protestants) united and declared themselves independent from Spain; became the United Province of Netherland
  • Jan 1, 1580

    King of Portugal Dies

    King of Portugal Dies
    Philip's uncle, the king of Portugal died without an heir, leaving Philip to inherit Portugese land. Philips land now circled the globe.
  • Philip II vs. Protestants

    Philip II vs. Protestants
    Phillip II launces Spanish Armada in attempt to punish the Protestant England. His fleet was defeated, which weakened Spain.
  • Period: to

    Life of Diego Velázquez

    showed pride of Spain's monarchy through his paintings; Court painter to Philip IV; painted portraits of royal family and scenes of court
  • American gold mines supported Spain

    American gold mines supported Spain
    American golds supported Spain with 339,000 pounds of gold.
  • Period: to

    Spains Golden Age of Art

  • Don Quixote Published

    Don Quixote Published
    Miguel de Cervantes published Don Quixote de la Moche. Don Quixote told the story of a man who read to many romantic, chivalrous books about the middle ages and lost his mind, believing that he was a knight. He wandered around the country side using his imagination to creat his enemies. The book either mocks chivalry or states the problem of a idealist person who longs a realistic past in an idealistic world. This novel marked the birth of the modern day novel.
  • Period: to

    Life of Rembranat van Rijn

    painted portraits of wealthy middle class families and group portraits; paited the syndics
  • Period: to

    Life of William of Orange

    political not religious motives for fighting Spain and flooded Spain out of their camps while they occupied Leiden.
  • Period: to

    Life of Jan Vermeer

    used indoor settings for paitings; like women pouring milk; not recognized until the late 19th centuries.
  • Dutch have largest fleet

    Dutch have largest fleet
    Dutch have the largest fleet, consisting of 4,800 ships.