Simon bolivar 07

Simon Bolivar

  • Birth

    Simon Bolivar was born on July 24 1783 in Caracas, Venezuela. Simon Bolivar went through some bad times when he was little. Both his parents died when he was young and he had to live with his uncle.
  • Marriage

    In 1802 Simon Bolivar got married to Maria Teresa. A year later, Simon and his bride went back to Venezuela. Shortly after they got there Maria became sick with yellow fever and died
  • The Grief

    The Grief
    Simon then returned back to spain in 1804 after the lost of his wife, to try and overcome the grief. While in Europe he witnessed the proclamation of Napoleon Bonaparte as leader of France. The trip didn’t to cheer him up as planned.
  • Leader of the Patrotic Society

    Leader of the Patrotic Society
    Simon Bolivar returned to Venezuela from Spain in 1808. Soon afterwards, he joined and became a leader of the Patriotic Society of Caracas that was responsible for many revolts that ultimately resulted in independence. That occurred in April 1810, when the colonial governor was deposed and a junta independent of Cadiz was established.
  • Patriotic Society of Caracas declared independence

    Patriotic Society of Caracas declared independence
    This mission to London marked the beginning of Simon’s twenty years career on behalf of freedom and independence. Simon Bolivar returned from London in June 1811, and spoke to the Patriotic Society. On July 1811, the Patriotic Society of Caracas declared independence and found the first republic of Venezuela.
  • Republican Army.

    Republican Army.
    In March 1812 a small Spanish force arrived from Puerto Rico, and the royalists helped them fight against the republican army. Within a few months the republican army had surrendered. Simon Bolivar escaped to New Granada to avoided going to prison.
  • Returned to Venenzuela

    Returned to Venenzuela
    In 1817 Simon Bolivar returned to Venezuela to fight for its independence again. Starting a campaign, Simon took over the town of Angostura. He made headquarters there and hired new members to his military force and got new supplies.
  • The long trip

    The long trip
    On May 26, 1819 Simon Bolivar began the long trip across hundreds of miles of plains, rivers, and swamps that would be difficult, but Simon would not be discourage. Many men died of hunger, exhaustion, and diseases as they made their way across the plains.
  • Battle of Carabobo

    Battle of Carabobo
    In June 1821, Simon Bolivar won the battle of Carabobo, and when Caracas fell a few days later, Venezuela was finally completely free from Spanish rule. Simon next went south and took control of the province of Quito
  • Period: to

    The End

    From the end of the wars of independence in 1824 until his death in 1830, Simon Bolivar served as president of Venezuela. During the wars, Simon kept the company of Manuela Saenz. He then died on December 17, 1830