Smiley face grinning

Sequoia's Personal Timeline

  • happy dad

    happy dad
    the day my dad bought his 3rd car and the day he found out i was a girl
  • Baby ME!

    Baby ME!
    I was a couple months old, my uncle Damon holding me
  • Me and my Dad

    Me and my Dad
    Me and my dad chillen, at my mom's baby shower/cookout (birth of younger bro Tsavo Edwards)
  • Some fam at the Cookout

    Some fam at the Cookout
    My uncle damon, cuzzo DJ, cuzzo Keturah, a random kid, my Uncle David, and my pregnant ma.
  • Family gathering thing

    Family gathering thing
    My uncle Damon, me in the green, my half sister in the yellow, my cousin Zach, my cousin Keturah, my cousin Maria on my uncle's lap, and my lil bro Tsavo
  • Bro

    My brother went through a box phase, he just loved to sit in boxes and draw
  • Me, dad, bro

    Me, dad, bro
    random chilling with my dad and bro
  • First trip to Busch Gardens

    First trip to Busch Gardens
    First trip
  • my creepy grandma

    my creepy grandma
    idk this was random and scary but this is my grandma