Review Timeline

  • 149

    Age of Discovery (1450-1600)

    Christoper Columbus Discovers the Americas(1492)
  • 1500

    Height of Renaissance (1500-1600)

    Cortes conqures the Aztecs in Mexico(1518)
  • 1517

    Protestant Reformation (1517-1648)

    Martin Luther posts the 95 Theses(1517)
    Henry Vlll splits from Catholic Church(1534)
    Elizebeth I creates the Anglican Church(1558)
  • 1540

    Scientific Revolution (1540-1700)

    Copernicus creates heliocentric theory(1543)
    Newton creates the Laws of Gravity(1666)
  • Enlightenment (1600-1700)

    English War(1642-1649)
    Locke writes the 2 treatises of government(1689)
    Montesquieu writes the spirit of laws(1748)
    Charles II takes power(1660)
    William and Mary take power(1688)
  • Age of Revolution (1763-1848)

    American Revolution(1775-1783)
    French Revolution(1789-1799)
    Region of Terror(1793-1794)
    Napoleon takes power(1799)
    Haitian Independence (1804)
    Napoleonic Wars (1804-1815)
    Father Miguel Hidalgo begins the Mexican Revolution (1810)
    Simon Bolivar helps Venezuela with independence (1811)
    Congress of Vienna meets (1815)
    Simon Bolivar helps Peru with independence (1821)
    The U.S. issues the Monroe Doctrine (1823)
    Unification of Germany (1871)