Canadian Identity Timeline

By Judy.13
  • Acadians Being Exiled

    The Acadians refused to pledge allegiance to the British who had control during that time and the Acadians wanted to affirm their identity as Acadians and not British or French. The British didn't accept that and expelled 14,000 Acadians from their homes and shipped them to modern-day Georgia. The Acadians also had their homes burned and had their land given to the British settlers and families were separated.
  • The Conquest (Battle of The Plains of Abraham)

    In the battle on the plains, the French forces were defeated by the British during what was known as the 7 years war. When the war was over the British took over New France. The battle lasted about 30 minutes to an hour until the French were defeated. The battle had started over the fact that France and Great Britain both wanted to dominate the European trade.
  • The Royal Proclamation

    The Royal Proclamation is a document that sets guidelines for European settlers of aboriginal territories. This document also states that any land interactions between the First Nations should be done by the government, not regular people. The Royal Proclamation limited the size of Quebec and banned Catholic churches from participating in government issues.
  • Lord Durhams Report

    Lord Durham's report was about recommending the assimilation of the French Canadians through a union of the Upper and lower part of Canada. Lord Durham thought that having two different nations within a nation-state was the main problem happening in Canada and wanted to end it. The government took Durham's recommendation into consideration in 1840.
  • The Indian Act

    The Indian Act was passed by the Parliament which gave the federal government control over every aspect of the lives of the First Nations people, which they wanted. The Indian Act was meant to protect the First Nations people which was guaranteed in the treaties, however, this also encouraged assimilation. First Nations people were never consulted about the changes that were made in the Indian Act and were ignored in any decision-making.
  • Chinese Head Tax & Immigration

    Chinese immigrants came to Canada to work on the railway to make money. However, then the Canadian government introduced the Chinese Immigration Act that imposed a head tax on just the Chinese people. The government then discriminated against all Chinese immigrants and banned them from coming into Canada, the Chinese weren't allowed to vote, or hold certain jobs and suffered discrimination and racism. This started in 1885 and ended in 1962.
  • Louis Riels Execution For Treason

    Louis Riel was protecting the Metis people and was their leader behind their resistance. In 1885 the Metis resistance started occurring further into west Saskatchewan and Louis Riel agreed to lead the Metis people once again, however this time he was arrested and hung for treason. This happened after the government agreed to protect Metis rights and education, but shortly after took some of that away, having the resistance grow and Riel being caught and executed.
  • Manitoba Schools Question

    The Manitoba Schools Question was a political crisis in Manitoba that involved the publicly funded separation of the Roman, Catholic, and Protestant schools. This was encouraged by the federal government, the federal government was arguing the requirement of paying taxes to the new public schools.
  • Conscription & World War One

    Conscription was believed that it was in the national interest. In World War 1 the Canadian government had also introduced conscription. When the war first started the people of the world thought that it would be a short war and would end by Christmas. However, a year later we realized that it was worse than we thought and eventually Canada was losing so many troops that the Canadian government had to use conscription to get enough soldiers to help win the war.
  • White Paper & Aboriginal Rights

    The white paper is a government proposal meant to remove the Indian Act which would enable the Indian people to be free, and remove previous documents relating to the Indigenous people including the removal of the Indian Act and treaties. The Indian people would be free to develop Indian cultures in an environment with legal, social, and economic equality with other Canadians. The white paper aimed to assimilate all Indians in Canada.
  • FLQ Crisis & Quite Revolution

    The October Crisis refers to a chain of events that had occurred or started in October. The FLQ had felt that the party Quebecois was taking way too long to achieve or reach self-determination for the Quebecois and turned into using violent actions to push the federal government into accepting sovereignty for their people. This is a big part of the quiet revolution, the FLQ started with graffiti then bombings, and later terrorism was used to scare people. This included kidnapping 2 politicians.
  • Bill 101 Passed

    Bill 101 is a law that was passed in the province of Quebec in Canada to define the French language, the language of the majority of the population as the official language of the provincial government. Bill 101 was passed to protect the French language.
  • National Energy Program (NEP)

    The National Energy Program was implemented to make Canada more self-sufficient for energy and to reduce foreign ownership of oil and gas companies operating in Canada. This was also meant to protect Canada against high energy costs.
  • Quebec Refuses Constitution

    Quebec refused to sign the constitution because the deal or agreement would not give Quebec a veto on many constitutional issues. Quebec saw the constitution as a stab in the back and 2 attempts were made to make Quebec happy with a variety of proposals relating to the constitution. To this day Quebec has not yet signed the constitution and is still upset about it, but Canada has tried to reconcile with them.
  • RCMP Uniforms & Reasonable Accommodation

    A reasonable accommodation is a constitutional concept that requires Canadians to adapt to religious and cultural differences. A Sikh immigrant who was working as an RCMP was being forced to cut his hair, shave his beard and remove his turban to wear a stetson hat and uniform. However for him wearing the turban was a religious duty and wanted to wear it, while others were against it. In 1990 the Federal government agreed to allow officers to wear a turban as a reasonable accommodation.
  • Oka Crisis

    The Oka Crisis was known as the Resistance between the Mohawk protestors and the RCMP including the Canadian army. The Mohawk people's goal was to stop the expansion of a golf course onto the land that they owned and considered sacred. The Quebec government had refused to talk to the protestors and the protestors refused to remove the barricade. Sadly during the protesting one officer was shot and killed. many protestors faced criminal charges even though the government disputed the land.
  • Quebec Referendum

    The second referendum was meant to ask voters in the French-speaking Canadian province of Quebec to see if Quebec should proclaim national sovereignty and also become an independent country, meaning separating from Canada. When Canada introduced the constitution it made Quebec even more upset and wanted to separate from Canada even more. The second referendum vote was much closer, 50.6 to 49.4 for whether or not Quebec should become sovereign.
  • Official Multiculturalism

    Canada was the first country to adopt multiculturalism as an official government policy. This policy was affirmed by the Charter of Rights and Freedoms was enhanced in the Canadian Multiculturalism Act. Multiculturalism for Canada means that Canada accepts more diverse people including immigrants into the country.
  • Canada appologizes for Residential Schools

    Stephen Harper apologized to the survivors and all Indian peoples who suffered through residential schools and recognized the consequences and issues on behalf of the Canadian government. The government as an apology funded money to pay for the survivor's therapy and pay for the damage they had gone through, such as sexual abuse and other horrific events. However, the Indigenous will never be able to erase the horrific memories even have they got an apology.