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Professional Growth Timeline

  • One year from today

    One year from today i will be over halfway through receiving my bachelors. I hope to be involved in many schools around me whether it is for volunteering or being an intern.
  • Period: to

    My goals in my Education Career!

  • Two years from today

    I will have received my bachelors degree in Elementary Education and will have started my first job as a Third Grade teacher.
  • Five years from today

    I will have been teaching for close to four years now, and during this time i will be back in school to complete my masters degree in education to go further up in the school district.
  • Ten years from today

    I will have been teaching various grades at the elementary level along with completing my masters degree in hopes of soon becoming a principle or assistant principle at one of the districts schools.
  • My own Start

    By this time I want to have a tutor business where I am able to help all sorts of students, not just elementary, and will give them the best possible help in the areas the are struggling with by providing them with a strong group of tutors!
  • At the end of my Career

    I will have taught for over forty years and will have loved every second of it. My goal of becoming a principle for a few years would come true during this time period and I will now venture off and travel for a bit after my years of teaching.