Oficial Power and countervailing power

  • 1500


    The iroquoian society was a matriarchal society which means that the decision making and leadership was done by the women.
  • 1500


    The algonquian society was patriarchy. The men played a big role in decisions and they were the leaders
  • Coureurs des bois

    Coureurs des bois
    They are french people who go into the forest and live with the natives most of the time. They traded with the amerindians. They collect fur by killing animals ad then give it to the voyageurs.
  • Voyageurs

    The voyageurs are basically a UPS system. They are given furs by the coureurs des bois. They then transport the fur from one trading post to another.
  • Absolute Monarchy

    Absolute Monarchy
    The absolute monarchy is where there is only one ruler. The king can appoint administrators for the colony but he was final power and can reverse anything they want to do.
  • Life in New France part 2

    Life in New France part 2
    The rich and poor got along cause they weren't snobby. The people in new france were named Canadians. The ‘canadians’ can't leave when they were told they could go back to france no problem. they know all the tricks of the trade to do with new france, like the soils and winter and everything they already know. they don’t want to start over. they choose to stay.
  • Life in New France part 1

    Life in New France part 1
    They had a happy life but lots of work. Work had to be done every day like looking after their crops, making clothes, fixing tools and getting themselves prepared for winter. New France was extremely independent because it wasn't developing and no new settlers came. They took very good care of everything so they wouldn't need to remake it. They did not have a police force. Life was different in france than in new france.
  • King

    The king of france absolute power and is higher than god. Him and his minister of marine implemented the royal government which was in 1663. The king would always stay in France. He was curious about what was happening in new france that's why he hired someone to deal with it, being the minister of marine. Has total control so he can override whatever he wants.
  • Minister of Marine

    Minister of Marine
    The Minister of Marine is directly under the King. He also stays in France with the King. he hired people to run new france and this was called the Sovereign Council. He controls all of the colonies. The minister of marine gets letters sent to him that need to be sent to the king. So it always goes through him first.
  • Bishop

    The bishop is apart of the Sovereign Council. The bishop is chosen by the king. He deals with all things religious. Also with schools, hospitals and charities.
  • Captain of the Militia

    Captain of the Militia
    The captain of the militia controls the people. He is the lowest ranking and not apart of the sovereign council.
  • Explanation of the Royal Government

    Explanation of the Royal Government
    The king doesn’t worry about New France so he makes someone in charge cause he’s curious. That is the Minister of the Marine. He controls all the colonies. The minister of marine goes to the intendant. than there's the bishop and governor. (they make up the sovereign counsel —> 3 guys that sit at a table and make decisions) intendant was a powerful guy. captain of the militia was in charge of the people's army. he’s the fourth most important guy.
  • Governor

    The Governor is apart of the Sovereign Council. The governor is the highest rank of this council. He is the commander of army and defense team. He deals with external affairs. He has veto power over all.
  • Intendant

    The intendant is apart of the Sovereign Council. If you need anything done, you suck up to the intendant. He is the chief administrator and controls money affairs like taxes and budget. He can build roads and set up industries. He is basically your mayor. He deals with justice. He deals with the external affairs and business components.
  • Peace treaty

    Peace treaty
    The Great Peace of Montreal was a peace treaty between New France and 40 First Nations of North America. It was signed on August 4, 1701, by Louis-Hector de Callière who was the governor of New France at the time. There were 1300 representatives of 40 aboriginal nations.The French who allied to the Hurons and the Algonquins, provided 16 years of peaceful relations meaning there was no conflict.
  • Articles of capitulation

    Articles of capitulation
    In September a document was signed stating the terms for the French to surrender. This document was called Articles of Capitulation which says the french militia will be allowed to go home. The french regular military would place their arms on the floor and leave. Which meant the french elite like businessmen or wealthier people left. The people could practice the roman catholic religion but the bishop had to leave. The people who stayed would become british subjects.
  • Guy Carleton

    Guy Carleton
    Then a new governor shows up named Guy Carleton. But he also recognizes the problems and keeps doing what james does. Carleton is afraid of an american invasion. Carleton kisses the frenches but so they dont join the american side and revolt. Gave their french back some of their territory. The end of this the people will be in control of the colony.
  • James Murray part 1

    James Murray part 1
    Government with veto power. No fool. Smart dude. Appointed by the king. Royal proclamation in hand. He knew it wasn't possible to do all the the things. He bends the rule. He doesn't want to revolt and have his soldiers killed. so he lets a new bishop come in. he's saying i have no problems with the catholic religion. Allows the french laws back in the minor offences. Still the british laws in the higher courts tho. He never got the elected assembly to meet.
  • James Murray part 2

    James Murray part 2
    He made all the decisions not the elected assembly. The english merchants are annoyed because they only care about themselves and they want to be rich they dont care about anyone. They will pass laws that benefit themselves. English merchants whine and complain. They sent letters back and forth to the king and then they fire james murray and he is probably very happy.
  • Royal Proclamation

    Royal Proclamation
    The Royal Proclamations goal was to control the French in Quebec, It did this by taking away rights and forcing them to become more English. New rules for the people of the province of Quebec. Putting in a civilian government. The king chooses minister of marine who choses the governor. They had criminal law which was murder, rape, robber and civil law. No new French speaking people were coming in but many English were. This proclamation fails.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The treaty of paris ended the 7 year war. All the territory that was categorizes as new france was given to the king of england but they didn't give St Pierre and Miquelon. The Treaty of Paris was signed in Paris by people representing King George of Great Britain.
  • Quebec Act

    Quebec Act
    Gain loyalty of the french, enlarge the area of Quebec. This was the final straw for the Americans. They fought back and started the revolution. They denied the elected assembly. They were going to have an appointed council. French civil laws come back. Church tax and seigneurial system come back. Test act oath was made and it was if you swear your loyalty to the king you can be in office like a catholic frenchman (no women), if you break it there are consequences like death.
  • Loyalists

    Loyalists were American colonists who stayed loyal to the British Crown or their mother country. 36000 loyalists came to canada and 6000 loyalists came to quebec. This increased the populations and a big influx of english people coming to live in a colony that was run by french people. This caused issues.
  • Representative Government

    Representative Government
    The representative Government had a King. It was made to make the average person think they have somewhat of a say in what happens. The King is the highest. Below the king is the British parliament but they never step foot in Canada. As long as one person was in controls what the people want, it would be considered a representative government.
  • What each Canada had

    What each Canada had
    Each Canada had a lieutenant governor which acted like the deputy governor. It had an executive council which was appointed by the governor and advised by the governor. It also had a legislative council which was appointed too. It was used to reject or approve laws from the assembly. The legislative assembly elected people every 4 years and it had the power to approve or disapprove taxes. It also had the right to create laws. These people needed to be able to read and right.
  • The constitutional act

    The constitutional act
    The constitutional act consisted of splitting quebec into two pieces known as upper and lower Canada. Lower Canada was mostly french and consisted of 160 000 people. It followed old rules and french ways.you were able to keep your religion. Civil laws and people could work in administration. Then upper Canada was all english. It consisted of 20 000 people. You could get what you want and it followed the english ways. They were protestants using the township system with english civil laws.
  • Power relations part 1

    Power relations part 1
    Power relations between linguistic groups and the state; power relations between nationalist movements and the state. The world war one and world war two has a conscription which forced men to go to war. Power relations between the media and the state were in the 19th century which was the control of the newspapers by political parties using propaganda.
  • 92 resolutions

    92 resolutions
    Joseph Papineau created the 92 resolutions wanting a responsible government which meant there was no veto power and the people were voted in not appointment. A rebellion broke out due to these resolutions. 3 years later this document was finally sent in but was not passed. Lord john russell responded with 10 resolutions that had nothing to do with the 92 resolutions which made the patriots upset since their demands weren't answered.
  • The rebellions

    The rebellions
    The rebellion broke out after the 92 resolutions were not passed. Lower and upper canada participate although upper canada bailed on the rebellion but lower canada didn't. The british had a professional army with soldiers meanwhile the french had farmers that got together with their guns to fight. A responsible government was the result of the rebellion.
  • Lord Durham and his resolutions

    Lord Durham and his resolutions
    Lord Durham’s recommendations were that: Britain should increase immigration in order to assimilate the French. (if they complain no one will hear them), The two Canada’s should be united (so that the english have the majority) and Responsible Government should be granted to eliminate veto power. These ideas were rejected but then the 1840 act of union (4th constitution) was put in.
  • Power relations part 2

    Power relations part 2
    There were power relations between union movements and the state. so there were strikes and partial legalization of unions in 1872. Anti- labour laws, adoption of the labour relations and strikes of united front. Power relations between feminist movements and the state. There was a foundation of the national council of women created in 1893. In 1961 there was the election of first women to the legislative assembly of quebec.
  • Bill 101

    Bill 101
    Bill 101 was the bill to put the french language priority. Only french signs were allowed. Children with english speaking parents that were educated in Quebec could go to english schools. The english fought back with bill 178 and 86. This is still happening today in Quebec.