Official Power and Countervailing Powers

  • Nov 24, 1500

    A Matriarcal Society

    A Matriarcal Society
    In the Iroquois tribe, there was a Matriarchy. Leadership and decision making was the duty of the women.
  • Nov 24, 1500

    A Patriarchal Society

    A Patriarchal Society
    In the Algonquin tribe, it was a patriarchal society. The men took on important leadership roles.
  • Period: Nov 24, 1500 to

    Timespan for Official Power and Countervailing Power

  • Relations between the French and the Huron

    Relations between the French and the Huron
    The French made vital military alliances to protect their economic activities in the fur trading business. The Huron were basically an Iroquois tribe and they were the primary group that traded with the French. They fought for control of the fur trade land against the Iroquois. However they lost. The French fought against the Iroquois until about 1703. The Hurons have been destroyed by the Iroquois. Therefore, the French were forced to go out and collect furs deeper into the forest.
  • Relations between the English and the Iroquois

    Relations between the English and the Iroquois
    The Iroquois allied with the British and they fought against the French (and Hurons) for control over the fur trading business. They almost completely wiped out the Hurons.The competition heightened as the British replaced the Dutch in Albany (NY).
  • Royal Government (Part 1)

    Royal Government (Part 1)
    The King ended put an end to the private companies running New France and put the Minister of marine, Jean-Baptist Colbert in charge instead. They put a Royal Government in the colony. The King and the Minister of Marine would stay in France and there would be a souvereign council in NF. It consisted of the Governor, who was the highest rank. He commanded the army and dealt with external affairs. The Bishop, who was appointed by the Pope, administered the parish priests, hospitals, schools.
  • Royal Government (Part 2)

    Royal Government (Part 2)
    The third person on the sovereign council is the Intendant. The intendant was the most influential, chief administrator, controlled budget, collected taxes, justice, seignorial system, built roads, set up industries. The captain of the militia was not on the sovereign council but still had power, he dealt with the seigneuries. He could be considered the chief of police. Absolute monarchy was still present because the King could recall any decision the souvereign council made.
  • The Great Peace of Montreal

    The Great Peace of Montreal
    The Great Peace of Montreal was a peace treaty between New France and 40 First Nations of North America. On August 4th 1701, The peace treaty was signed by Louis-Hector de Callière, the governor of New France at the time and 1300 representatives of 40 aboriginal nations. The French who allied with the Hurons and the Algonquians, provided 16 years of peaceful relations and trade before war started again.
  • Articles of Capitulation

    Articles of Capitulation
    When the British took over, a document called Articles of Capitulation was made and signed, giving the terms under which the French would surrender to the British. 1. The French Militia could return home and no one would lose their property. 2. The regular French military would lay down their arms and leave. 3. The people could practice the Roman Catholic religion but the Bishop had to leave. 4. The people who stayed became British subjects.
  • Royal Proclamation (Part 1)

    Royal Proclamation (Part 1)
    1.The King's gives a the colony a new name, Province of Quebec. 2. The borders are decreased to only around the St-Lawrence Valley. 3. A civilian government is put in place; the King appointed the Governor and the Governor appointed the members of the Executive Council to help and advise him. 4. English criminal and civil laws were instated. 5. Unused land would be sectioned into townships. 6. There will be no new Bishop. 7. No R.C. people could could hold public office (Test act).
  • Royal Proclamation (Part 2)

    Royal Proclamation (Part 2)
    The objective of the Royal Proclamation was to assimilate and control the French ipeople in Quebec. The Proclamation did this by bringing them all together as to watch over them. A lot of their rights were taken away which forced them to become English. New French people did not come and the French Elite left and rich British merchants came to replace them.
  • James Murray

    James Murray
    James Murray was the first governor of the new British colony. When he came to Quebec, he saw that the Royal Proclamation could not work since 99% of the population was French, R.C and 1% was English, Protestant. He altered some of the laws: he allowed a new bishop, allowed French laws in some lower courts and he did not call an elected assembly because it favoured the English merchants. The English merchants were upset and they demanded a new governor. James Murray was replaced.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    In 1763, The Treaty of Paris was signed and it ended the seven year war between France and Britain. New France is given to the King of England and it is now a British colony. The territory belonging to New France now belonged to the king, except two small Islands known as St.Pierre and Miquelon.
  • Quebec Act

    Quebec Act
    The Quebec Act consisted of guarenteeing the French loyalty, enlarging the area of Quebec, denying an elected assembly in the new colony, appointing Council(minimum 17 members), French civil laws were installed and the tithe and seigniorial system are back and Test Oath Act/Test Oath of Alligance was instated. All these factors made the Americans very upset.
  • Effects of the Loyalists

    Effects of the Loyalists
    When the loyalists came to Canada, they had an effect on the population.The English population in Quebec increased from 1% to 10%, they settled in the land by township system, they gave their settlements English names, they were used English civil laws, they were used to having elected assemblies and they wrote petitions to London because they wanted to see changes in the colony.
  • Guy Carleton

    Guy Carleton
    Guy Carleton replaced James Murray as governor of the new British colony. When he came, he had the same views as James Murray. He instated the same laws that James Murray had and he kept Murray's laws.The point of making the French happy was to gain their loyalty for when the Americans revolted. All this led to the creation of the Quebec Act.
  • Constitutional Act

    Constitutional Act
    The Province of Quebec was divided into two parts known as Upper Canada ( because it was up the river) and Lower Canada (because it was down the river). Lower Canada was French and Upper Canada was English. The Ottawa River was the border between the two Canadas.Lower Canada: French kept their religion, civil laws and people could work in the admin. Upper Canada: Protestants, township system, English civil laws. With this constitution, there was a new government, representative government.
  • Representative Government (Part 1)

    Representative Government (Part 1)
    WIth representative government, the average person (men) have a say. It is called representative government because there is still someone who has veto power. The Governor (selected, not voted) by the parliament, commanded the forces, was in charge of administration and called assemblies into session. He held veto power so he could turn down laws. The Lieutenant Governor acted as deputy governor.
  • Representative Government 2

    Representative Government 2
    The Executive Council is appointed by Governor and the council advised the Governor. The Legislative Council appointed, approve and rejected laws from the assembly. The Legislative Assembl was elected every 4 years and they had the power to approve and disapprove taxes, the right to create laws. The people (population) had a say for the 1st time. However it was only landowning men over 21 who could have a say
  • Rebellions of 1837-38

    Rebellions of 1837-38
    The Contitutional Act of 1791 caused a few problems. By 1830, 2 political groups had formed, British Party and Parti Canadian (Parti Patriote). They were very different. Upper Canada’s Rebellion was led by William Lyon Mackenzie and they were put down quickly. Lower Canada’s Rebellion were led by Louis Joseph Papineau and after several battles St-Charles, St-Denis (French win), St-Eustache the rebellion was put down. The Patriotes failed because they were not well organized or equiped.
  • Lord Durham's Recommendations

    Lord Durham's Recommendations
    Lord Durham was sent to the Canadas to see what should be done about the rebellions. His recommendations were that Britain should increase immigration to assimilate the French, to unite Upper and Lower Canada so the English will be a majority and a responsible government should be installed (elimination of veto power). Lord Durham’s ideas were rejected by the British Parliament until the Union Act in 1840.
  • Act of Union

    Act of Union
    The Act of Union in 1840 is the fourth constitution. It creates the Province of Canada which consisted of Canada East & Canada West. Canada East and West each had 42 members to its assembly. The Governor still had control and veto power and Canada East and West equally pay for Canada’s debts
  • The Charlottetown Conference

    The Charlottetown Conference
    The leaders of Canada East and West met with the leaders of the three Maritime Provinces: New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. They had a conference to consider merging the provinces together (a merger).
  • The Quebec Conference

    The Quebec Conference
    In October of 1864, the same year as the Charlottetown Conference, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Canada East & Canada West and this time Newfoundland, agreed on 72 resolutions to make the merger work. For example, a federal system, 24 seats to each colony, etc. The people of the provinces weren't so happy with the conferences. As a result, Newfoundland and PEI withdrew, Dorion’s Parti Rouge was against the federation. However, the assembly of the Canadas passed it.
  • London Conference

    London Conference
    The leaders of the 4 colonies met to make an arrangement to release from the British Empire. They wanted to become a new “self-governing” colony. The Dominion of Canada has the Capital of Ottawa as its capital. The dominion created under British North American Act, which was passed on March 29, and and came into power in Canada on July 1st 1867. It contained four provinces: Onatrio, Quebec, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.
  • Power Relations between Feminist Movements and the State

    Power Relations between Feminist Movements and the State
    In 1893, The National Council of Women was founded by the suffragettes. In 1961, the first woman ever was elected to the Legislative Assembly of Quebec. Her name was Marie-Claire Kirland-Casgrain. In 1964, Bill 16 ended the legal incapacity of married women. In 1965, the Federation Des Femmes du Quebec was established. It revised the civil code, the establishment of the maternity leave, the decriminalization against abortion and equality (men and women). In 1996, a law on pay equity was adopted.