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Official power and countervailing powers

  • Dec 1, 1500

    First occupants (iroquis)

    They had a matriarchy society. Leadership and decision making was the responsibility of women.
  • Dec 1, 1501


    They had a patriarchy society. The men controlled leadership
  • French regime

    the french allied strategically with the natives for their trade interests. The french allied with the Algonquins and the Huron.
    The french also started the couriers de bois who traveled into deep forest to trade.
  • Power of church and state

    Church is important in political decisions due to their role in the sovereign council. The church was all over. Priests were in charge of curing the sick, they were missionaries and nuns worked in hospitals.
  • The king of NF

    The king took control of NF due to the divine right of kings. After, he stopped the monopoly of the companies and placed NF under the minister of marine (Jean-Baptist Colbert). He and the king then implemented the royal government in 1663
  • Hierarchy of NF

    The king was at the top of the hierarchy, followed by the minister of marine (they never set foot in NF). Under him was the governor and the sovereign council whom were equals. The sovereign council worked with the bishop. The governor and the sovereign council were in charge of the intendant. The intendant and governor were in charge of the captain of militia who was in charge of the people.
  • life in NF

    In NF the people were generally happy and they cared for crops, made clothes, fixed tools and prepared for winter.
    The inhabitants took care of themselves.
    The NF population was autonomous and around 1760 no longer identified as French but Canadein. This was because the people of NF had more freedom compared those in France as they were much farther from the king so he exerted less power.
  • British rule

    In September of 1760 the French army signed The Articles Of Capitulation. The document stated that: the French Militia could return to France and no one would lose their property. The French military would drop their arms and leave.
    The people could practice their desired religion, however the Bishop would have to leave.

    The people who stayed would become British Subjects.
  • Royal Proclimation

    The colony of NF tuned into the colony of Quebec. The borders shrunk to cover only around st-Lawrence river valley.The King appointed a Governor who appointed an Executive Council. English criminal and civil laws came into effect. Unused land became part of the townships. No bishop was allowed and no Catholics could be of any level of administration in the colony.
  • James Murray

    He was the first intendant of Quebec and was probably the most sensible. This is because when he had to put the royal proclamation into action he realized that It would not make sense to take away a large part of ones religion. especially when that religion is one of 99% of the population.
  • Guy Carleton

    Due to the fact that Murray did not want to apply the royal proclamation in full, the British merchants (1%) requested a new governor whom was Guy Carleton. The problem was that he did the same thing as Murray due to the fact that 13 colonies were starting to rebel and he wanted the loyalty of the Candiens.
  • Quebec and the 13 colonies

    The people of the 13 colonies are unhappy because the fought for the valley of Ohio but revived absolutely nothing for their efforts.
    The merchants whom migrated to Quebec from the 13 C were unhappy because they expected the colony to favor English interests which it did not.
  • Quebec Act

    Gave French Canadians loyalty (to Britain in war). Enlarges the area of Quebec. Denied prospect of an elected assembly is replaced with an appointed council. French civil laws were instated, along with, tithe and seigniorial system. Test replaced with a swearing to king you’re loyal.This upset the Americans who...
    Wanted Western Expansion into the Ohio Valley, did not give enough in war, traded with the French.
  • Loyalisits

    After America became independent the loyalists came to modern Canada. The loyalists were people whom were loyal to the British crown. 36000 of them cam to Canada and of them 6000 came to Quebec. The were used to English civil laws and elected assemblies. So, in order to get those thing they complained to London.
  • Constitutional Act

    Quebec was split in two pieces called Upper Canada and Lower Canada. Lower Canada was mostly french and had 160000 inhabitants. Upper Canada was mostly English and had 20000 inhabitants. Lower Canada kept the catholic religion and French civil laws. Upper Canada was Protestant and used the township system.
  • Government

    The representative government went: King-British Parliament-governor(for both Canada's). Then each Canada had a lieutenant governor-executive council-legislative council and legislative assembly.
  • Rebellions

    The Constitutional act had given representative government but those who could be elected held no real power in lower Canada. then the Partie Canadian and British party emerged in the same government and tension between them grew through difference.
    Then the Patriots started uprising and rebelling with Louis Joseph Papineau as their leader. He wrote the 92 resolutions to London which was responded to with the 10 resolutions creating more problems. As a result rebellion broke out in both Canadas.
  • Lord Durham's Recomendations

    Lord Durham went to Canada to give his opinion on what to do. He came back with this.
    Britain should increase immigration to lower Canada in order to assimilate the French
    The two Canada’s should merge.
    Eliminate veto power.
  • 4th constitution

    Created a province of Canada consisting of both Canda's (now east and west).
    Canada east and west each had 42 members to its assembly.
    Governor still had veto power.
    Canada east and west equally payed for Canada’s debts which mostly belonged to Canada west.
  • 4th constitution

    Created a province of Canada consisting of both Canda's (now east and west).
    Canada east and west each had 42 members to its assembly.
    Governor still had veto power.
    Canada east and west equally payed for Canada’s debts which mostly belonged to Canada west.
  • politics

    The Canada eats and west leaders met with the leaders of NB,NS,NF and PEI in Charlottetown to discuss a merger.
  • Quebec conferance

    Later that year the same people met and hammered out 72 resolutions making this merger possible. Mainly, a federal system,
    24 seats to each colony, assembly elected by true democracy and to build a railway between colonies. During this both NF and PEI withdrew.
  • Dominion of Canada

    in 1867 in England the 4 leaders of the colonies met in order to finalize the deal as it had to go through London. After this the dominion of Canada was born.
  • Duplessis

    I hate this man and basically the only thing of good to come of him was the quiet revolution as Quebec caught up with the rest of the world in terms of technology as they were held back for about 30 years. And the fact that he caused the death of 17000 children does not help his case.