Official Power and Countervailing Power

  • Nov 24, 1500


    The iroquois lived in a society that was Matriarchy. That meant that mothers were the ones who were responsible for making all the decisions and being the leaders of the family.
  • Nov 24, 1500


    The algonquins lived in another type of society. They were Patriarchy. This is where the fathers of the families played big roles in leadership and having the responsibility of making decisions.
  • Period: Nov 24, 1500 to

    Official Power and Countervailing Power

  • The Royal Government

    The Royal Government
    The King ended a monopoly and decided to place New France under the Minister of Marine. Jean Colbert and Louis decided to implement the Royal Government. It is made up of the King, Minister of Marine, Governor, Intendant Souvereign Council, Bishop, Captain of Malisha and the people in the colony.
  • The Great Peace Treaty of Montreal

    The Great Peace Treaty of Montreal
    On August 4th, 1701, the Great Peace Treaty was signed between New France and 40 of the First Occupants of North America. The Hurons and Algonquins allied with the French for 16 years for fur trade before the war started again. Before the 16 years were over their was only peaceful relations between everyone and good fur trading.
  • Coureur de Bois

    Coureur de Bois
    Because the French lost the battle agaisnt the British, they were forced to look deeper into the woods for there fur. Since that happened, they created what was called a coureur de bois. They were French settlers who hunted fur and lived with the Natives to learn their hunting skills.
  • The Hurons and Iroquois

    The Hurons and Iroquois
    The Hurons, who were mainly Iroquois always allied with the French for fur trade has to fight with the Iroquois to get the prime spots. They fought for a long time against the British and the Iroquois, but they won. The British practically wiped out the Huron nation.
  • The French Wiped Out

    The French Wiped Out
    At one point after all the fighting, the French's allies who were the Hurons got wiped out by the British and the Iroquois. This made the French lose their good territory for hunting and made them go look deeper in the forest for fur.
  • Power Relations Between The Colony and The Mother Country

    Power Relations Between The Colony and The Mother Country
    All decisions were made by the mother country. They also had all the power in the colony.
    Absolute monarchy: The king names administrators of the colony and can still reverse any decisions they make.
  • Power Relation Between Church and State

    Power Relation Between Church and State
    The Priest worked in schools, as missionaries and charities. Aswell, the nuns worked in hospitals. They lived in the ultramonatism style. Also the King's power was based off of the Divine Right of King.
  • Articles of Capitulation

    Articles of Capitulation
    In September a document was signed giving the terms under which the French would surrender. That document was called "Articles of Capitulation"
    The French Militia could return home, no one would lose their property
    The French Regular military would lay down their arms and leave.
    The people could practice the R.C. religion, but the Bishop would have to leave.
    The people who stayed would become British Subjects.
  • The Treaty Of Paris

    The Treaty Of Paris
    The 7 year war had ended. All the territories that were New France's property were given to the king of England except for two small islands called St.Pierre and Miquelon.
  • Royal Proclamation

    Royal Proclamation
    -The Royal Proclamation gave the King's new colony a name: The Province Of Quebec.
    -It also decreased the borders to just around the St-Lawrence river valley.
    -They put in place a civilian government to run the new colony.
    -English criminal and civil laws were created in the colony.
    -The unused territory would be divided for the Township System.
    -No new Bishops were allowed and no Roman Catholics could hold public office.
  • Difficulties of the First Governor

    Difficulties of the First Governor
    James Murray was the first governor in the new colony. He thought that the Royal Proclamation was unworkable because only 1% of the population was Engliish and Protestant. So he bent the some rules for the French Catholic people to make it a bit more fair. He was thrown out of the govenor position because the Englosh Merchants didn't like that he would bend the rules for the French. After he was thrown out Carleton came to be the second govenor, but he also thought that it wasn't fair for the...
  • Difficulties of the First Governor Part 2

    Difficulties of the First Governor Part 2
    French to live the way they did because they had no rights. The only difference is that Guy Carleton had a special reason to be tolerant towards the French. He wanted them to be loyal toward the American as they were starting to demand theri independence.
  • The Loyalists

    The Loyalists
    After the Americans won the War of Independence, the english didn't want to stay in the states because they wanted to stay under the british rule. They decided to move north to the only British Colony left in North America. Quebec. These people were called loyalists. They increased the english population by 9%, but they weren't used to the way everyone was living. So they complained to the King and he made a new constitution called the Constitutional Act in 1791.
  • Quebec Act

    Quebec Act
    The Quebec Act created laws to make the French Canadians happier.
    -Guarantees French Canadian loyalty
    -Englarded the area of Quebec
    -Denied an elected assembly
    -Appointment a minumum of 17 members in the council
    -French Civil Laws and the Seigniorial System came back
    -Test Oath of Allegiance was created
  • The Constitutional Act

    The Constitutional Act
    The Province of Quebec was split up into two equal territories called Upper Canada and Lower Canada. The reason it was called upper and lower was because that's where the river split the two territories. (Upper: up river). (Lower: down river). Lower Canada was mostly populated by the French where as Upper Canada was mostly populated by the English. The Ottawa river was the border between them.
  • The Rebellion

    The Rebellion
    The leader of the Patriotes was Louis Joseph Papineau. He made a list of 92 resolutions to be made. They asked for one demand though. They wanted a responsible government.
    3 years later they finally got their answer back from the King. He rejected all his resolutions and the demand for the responsible government.
    Because of that Upper Canada and Lower Canada fought together to get what they wanted.
  • Act of Union

    Act of Union
    We merged the 2 Canadas to create the Province of Canada. This province consisted of Canada East and Canada West which both had 42 members in there assembly. The govenor still had veto power and both Canadas would pay an equal tax.
  • Politics in the 1860's

    Politics in the 1860's
    Since nobody could decide on who should be the leader they decided to merge. They made three confrences to finalize this. The first conference was in Charottetown and what they did was simply come to a decsion to merge. The second conference was in Quebec where they decided to make a railway that goes along the the country. PEI and NFL didn't like this idea so they dropped out. The third conference was in London to ask the King. He agreed to it and created a the dominion of Canada.
  • Duplessis

    In 1950 Duplessis had the role of state. He liked everything to be traditional and old fashion. So he went by the influence of the church. No science was allowed and he disliked journalistes because they would find ways to modernize the colony which he didn't want. His reign ended in 1960 following the Quiet Revolution.
  • Power Relations Between the Feminist Movement and the State

    Power Relations Between the Feminist Movement and the State
    The women were tired of not getting the same pay, being able to have the same jobs, being as equal as the men. They started unions to get the equality they deserved. At the beginning of time they didn't have any rights and now we are as equal as the men.